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Javi: Okay we're here.

Kirishima opened the door to his house to see Javier, Akira and... Todoroki?

"Shouto?" Kirishima muttered in confusion.

"Lol hey fam," Todoroki replied.

"Shouldn't you be with Deku?" Bakugou asked.

Todoroki nodded and sighed.

"But I wanna kill Tamaki too," Todoroki said as if he were a child begging for candy.

Kirishima shook his head and sighed,"alright."

Todoroki went up to Kirishima and pulled him into a hug.

"What's this for?" Kirishima stammered.

"I want you to know that Izuku and I love you with all of our hearts," Todoroki cupped Kirishima's cheeks and smiled, "please attend our wedding."

Kirishima blushed.

Bakugou noticed this and exploded a nearby wall.

"Katsuki!" Kirishima yelled, facepalming.

Javier laughed along with Akira.

"Alright minna! We know where Tamaki is so let's-"

"Woah, woah, woah hang on. Did you say 'minna'?" Bakugou asked.

"Yeah," Javier raised an eyebrow, "we're japanese."

"No we're fucking not mate," Akira laughed, patting Javier on the back.

"What do you mean?"

"If the author is Australian then we are too," Kirishima shurgged.

Javier was even more confused. "Author?"

"We know where Tamaki is. All we need to do is get there. Let's use our leg things and fight a hoe!" Akira cheered along with the rest of the boys.


"Midoriya! I'm so happy for you!" Mia sobbed, hugging Midoriya tight.

Emily jogged on the spot, holding the wedding cake. "This looks delicious!"

Midoriya quickly took the wedding cake off of her and set it down.

"What?" Emily asked timidly.

"Midoriya!~ Where's your beautiful groom!" Chiho giggled.

"I don't know. He could be out there assassinating Tamaki or something," Midoriya joked.

"Well can he hurry up? My camera won't last all day. Gimme that gay shit." Nika said in annoyance.

"Midoriya is Momo here? She's a hottie." Ellysaurus asked pulling a Mineta face.

Midoriya sighed.

"Who even are all of you anyways?"

"Um. We are your fans," Angel whispered sweetly.

Luna smiled and nodded, walking over to Midoriya.

"We love you so much."

Midoriya sighed and layed back. "My dad isn't here..." Midoriya frowned.

"So? Who gives a fuck? Lololol jk omfg ha goals yolo!" Lance screamed, running around the room.

"My Dad could've walked me down the aisle..."
"That's alright Young Midoriya," A short, blonde man erupted from the shadows. "Because I am here!"

"ALL MIGHT!" Everyone sobbed.

All Might shook Midoriya's hand and began tearing up himself.

"I'm so proud of you, Young Midoriya." All Might said, patting Midoriya on the head.

Midoriya cried (obvs) and hugged All Might tight.


"Is Tamaki around here or something?" Todoroki asked.

Before anyone could answer, Tamaki came out from the trees of the forest, holding Uraraka's hand.

"Why hello there boys," Tamaki tried to put on a seductive voice. "Did you all come here for a kiss?"

"No I'm gay."

"Yeah same."

"Me too."

"I'm bi but I don't do batshit crazy."

"I'm gay as hell." Uraraka cheered.

Everyone stared.

"What? I want to fit in."

"What are you all doing here? Have you come here to fight back?" Kirishima asked, hardening his arms.

"No. We came here to destroy the wedding." Tamaki stated.

Javier's teeth gritted as he pulled out a gun. Uraraka also pulled out a gun.

"If you move one inch I'll end your life for real this time," Uraraka spat.

"Same goes for you, 'Uravity'." Javier smirked.

Uraraka laughed and raised an eyebrow. "Wow I forgot about that name. When did I choose that again?"

"When you were a decent human being." Javier sighed.

Tamaki clenched her fists averting her eyes to Bakugou and Kirishima.

"Ah! I remember you! I shot you," Tamaki pointed to Kirishima, then to Bakugou. "And you killed me."

"I should've done a better job. I was hoping to see you in hell later." Bakugou gritted his teeth.

"You know that you won't survive our attacks, right?" Tamaki folded her arms. "I'm going to kill you Bakugou."

"It'll be one cold day in hell before you get your hands on him," Kirishima yelled.

Uraraka smirked, looking Javier in the eyes.

"If you put down your gun and let us take Todoroki, you can tour the world like you wanted to."

Javier smirked, chucking dryly.

"I'd rather die than take your filthy money," Javier spat back.

Without warning, Uraraka shot Akira in the shoulder and fired three warning shots into the air.

"AKIRA!" Javier screamed, rushing over to his boyfriend.

Kirishima and Bakugou ran up ti Tamaki and kicked her in the face. Before they could do any further damage, Tamaki transformed herself into an axe and began swinging at the pair.

Meanwhile, Todoroki pinned Uraraka down.

"What do you think you're doing?" Uraraka laughed.

"Let go of my friends." Todoroki kept his composure.

"Ha! I'm not cheap y'know! I'm not cheap like this convenience store foods." Uraraka replied.

"No. That's because you are a convenience store food," Todoroki began freezing Uraraka's body. "A popsicle to be exact.

Without hesitation, Todoroki froze Uraraka's entire body, killing her instantly.

Tamaki noticed and went out of ger axe form.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAY!" She screamed, grabbing the gun off the floor and shooting at the boys.

To be continued.

Thankyou to
For being in this chapter!

If you weren't in this chapter, do not fret! Keep your eyes peeled for the next few!! These people featured today were randomly selected in no particular order.

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