chapter 8

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Blue Pov:

"Nickolas Danny you go take the kids a bath while I make the food OK" they nodded as they headed upstairs. I listening to the music while setting up the dinner table and finished up dinner. I went inside the kitchen filling up the plates for all of us and didn't notice that everyone is already downstairs sitting. "Wow that was fast, are you hungry?" they all nodded, I set all the plates in front of them as I grabbed Melissa from Nickolas "you can eat" they nodded as they dig into the food excepted for Danny
 I guess I have to tell him about it
  I thought about while I hand fed Melissa.

~~~~~~~~10 Minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~

I stared at Ash and Melissa slowly falling asleep "Nickolas I'll go and take these two to the bedroom OK" he nodded as I watched Danny slowly eating his food still
he's getting skinnier and skinnier as the day goes by I said in my head
As I picked up Ash and Melissa I looked at Danny "Danny" he slowly looked at me "Could you wait here for me?" He thought about it then nodded. I walked out of the dining room up to the stairs to the extra room next to Nickolas and mine. I walked in setting them on the bed gently tucking them in tightly together and quietly walked out of the room without disturbing them an went to our room to see Nickolas fast asleep. Hehe, cutie I thought as I walked downstairs to see Danny sitting on the couch.
"hey" I said to him as He looked down "Hi" I sigh "I know its hard without Red and all, but stay strong for you and everyone else" I said to him making him looked up at me "I know right now Red can feel what you can feel right now and is trying to speed things up over there." He looked at me to see if I'm lying "How would you know how I feel if your not Red?" I looked down at my lap
"well 100 years ago I was left alone on the streets with no one by my side, no family, friends, colony, food, or water until Red came by to me everyday giving me everything I need to survive out there, but one day he left without no trace and so I waited for him the same spot, feeling scared and alone without him" I said to Danny as he looked at me shocked "What happened after that?" 
I smiled "After a year passed by I still stayed by the same spot we hanged out, and at the time I learned to control and defend myself and saw Red came back for me an took me in a colony he been raising for a long time and made me the commander of this colony." Danny looked at me with light in his eyes "I was so happy to be in a family, but me and Red were feeling lonely even if we had each other" I said as Danny light has disappeared a tilt his head "why?" 
I sighed "Me and Red have been waiting for you two for a long time we are grateful to find you" I said smiling as he did as well "Well it's getting late, so you should get some sleep good night Danny" he nodded as I went to my room taking everything off slipping in with Nickolas. 

Red Pov:

I walked through the forest taking my time until someone ran into me making me fall onto my butt, I looked up to see a little boy with pink hair getting up quickly saying sorry, but I grabbed him by the arm "Who are you running from?" I said getting up as he panics to see 3 men behind me "If you dare move I will hit you" I said with full authority to the men as I turned to the boy "Now tell me what is going on?" He nodded and spoke "I got kicked out of my colony by the king and so he send these men to kill me" I shot a glare at them "take me to your leader now or I will find him myself and you are coming with me too" I said to the men as they nodded. 

I walked into the territory as I felt the boy clutch onto my shirt tightly "it's okay your safe with me do not fear" he looked up at me as we walked into a house. The man knocked on the door to hear a man "come in" an open the door making our way in the office as the Leader looked up to see me and the little boy "I thought I banish you from here" he said angrily and looked at me "now who are you?" he said going back to his paperwork "I'm sorry is that how you speak to adults huh!!!" I yelled at the young man "What did you say!! Gau-" he yelled as I quickly interrupted him "Don't you dare called them or I will beat them up if I have to so SHUT UP!!!!" he quietly shut his mouth as we got interrupted by his commander of the colony "What is going on?" as he came into the room. 
"your dumb Leader decide to kick out a young vampire of the colony" I said casually "oh okay why is he isn't dead yet?" he said without a care in the world made my blood boiled "Little boy would you do me a favor?" he looked at me and nodded "Step back for a moment" he nodded and scooted back a few as I grabbed the commander by the collar and threw him at the Leader 
"you guys are really dumb" I said as they looked at me "now tell me why you do it or I will kill you!" 
They quickly respond back "Well he's no use to the pack and we thought if we get rid of him because he's a burden to everyone" I scoff "you are the worse leader and commander I've yet met" I turned my head to see the little boy standing there and looked back at the leader and commander "I want everyone in your colony in front of this house within 5 minutes" I said with full authority. "Little boy comes on" he nodded as we walked out of the office to the living room "What is your name?" I asked him 
"Ocean and yours?" he said quietly 
"Red," I said putting my coat around his slim body "I want you to get your stuff and if you have a friend bring him with us okay" he nodded. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~4 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~

I and Ocean walked out the house to see everyone  "Ocean go find your friend" he nodded as went to look to see through the crowd until his eyes shot up and grabbed his friend out the crowd dragging him over to me. "Whoa slow down you might hurt your friend" as I bend down "hello are you just like Ocean over here" He nodded "do need anything from here" he shook his head violently. I smiled at them "I will take these two boys with me to my colony!" I yelled at the crowd as they started to relived that they are gone piece of shits head , but a women came out the crowd and came up to me and started whispering to me "I'm sorry I try to take them in, but the leader said if I do then he will kill my child, so I've been secretly feeding them as much as I can for these two please take good care of them" she said quickly as she immediately slapped me across the face wow she is good at acting, so I will do the same as I thought in my head "why won't you let these kids to die" as she held her child closed a saw a rope mark on her "how dare you slap, now I will take you as my maid and I'll give your child another mother" as I use my power to box in the women and the child as well for the boys. I looked at the women banging on the box to let her go "now I will be on my way bye" I said to them. 

I flew out of the territory deeper into the woods as I open one of the walls on both side and looked at the women "Sorry If I scared you, but the only way to save you also" she looked up at me "how did you know? and its okay sorry if I slapped you for no reason at all" I nodded "Well your arms are bruised and decide to take you with me instead" I said smiling "and take some rest because it will be a long journey back to my colony" I told them truthfully as they nodded and slowly going to sleep.

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