10 ~ New Rooms and Realisations

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A/n The gif above is Peter, just to clarify lol. Also this chapter is sort of a filler so yeah.

so i'm editing this like a year later and omfg this chapter is so long im so sorry.

so i'm editing this like a year later and omfg this chapter is so long im so sorry

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"You fancy my sister." It wasn't a question, James Potter cleaned his glasses on his shirt, smiling slightly at his friend's surprised face, ever since his third year, he had an inkling about his best mate. Sirius Black had earned the attention of most girls in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when he came back from the summer when he was thirteen and had grown at least a foot, Quidditch had toned his body and his thick, black hair had been caged into a loose bun at the back of his head, a few strands falling past his strong jawline. Both James and Sirius had their own little fanclub consisting of particularly hormonal teenage girls but Sirius' was always a good deal larger. Sirius' ego had only grown with the affection of most females and some males at school, he definitely had had his fair share of flings but had never settled down. James knew when his friend thought someone was attractive, he had a certain gleam in his grey eyes before he strolled over to charm them. James also recognised a different look in his eye whenever he looked at a certain someone, Eloise Potter. He didn't quite look at anyone else like he did her, and now he knew that they weren't related, the look only deepened. Sirius stuttered in response to James' accusation 

"Wha- I don't...Eloise is..." James crossed his arms and arched an eyebrow, "Do I?" Sirius ran a hand through his hair and leant against the wall, 

"Listen, mate, she's my actual sister now, so I'm going to be even more protective over her." James put a hand on Sirius' shoulder, "It'll be easier for both of us if you just own up now." Sirius didn't look up from the floor, 

"I don't." he said firmly and James groaned, 

"Yes you do, Padfoot." 

"Prove it!" Sirius said angry, 

"Whenever she's with us, you can't look away from her; when she's not with us you try your hardest to find her; you blush pretty much every time someone mentions her,   you almost had a mental breakdown when Lucius married Narcissa in Third Year and you became cousins; and let's not forget how much your face lit up when you found out you weren't cousins and it was acceptable to-" Sirius punched James in the arm before he could finish his sentence, 

"Alright, so what if I do?" James threw up his arms, 

"So what? You two would be perfect together, she's just as stubborn as you and you guys would be the pranking couple!" Sirius chuckled, "Not to mention the most attractive couple at Hogwarts. Since she's my twin and all." Sirius looked up to the ceiling, 

"Do I really fancy her, James?" 

"You tell me, mate." He said leaning against the wall next to him, 

"Well I think she's y'know..." Sirius trailed off and James urged him to go on, "Beautiful." he muttered, 

"Can't hear you, Padfoot." James teased, 

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