91 ~ Seems About Right

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Bit short but James defo makes up for it :)

Eloise stretched out in her bed with a content sigh

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Eloise stretched out in her bed with a content sigh. She was happy to be back in her own bed after staying in Sirius' in Grimmauld Place after Hogwarts which was very dusty. She lay in bed for a while, it was only early in the morning because Sirius had told her the night before to wake up at 7...for whatever reason and she didn't think anyone else was awake yet,. Apparently, neither did Battie the house elf as she tiptoed into Eloise's room with a handful of folded laundry,

"Morning, Battie." Eloise greeted with a whisper and the little elf jumped so high she dropped all of the clothes on the floor. Eloise stifled a giggle as Battie squealed and picked them all up again, brushing off the dust and apologising profusely, "Battie, it's fine calm down." Eloise chuckled as she got out of bed and waved her wand, restoring the laundry to their prior pristine condition.

"Battie is very sorry, Miss Eloise. Battie didn't know Miss Eloise was awake yet." she turned to leave but Eloise called out to stop her,

"Let's have a chat, Battie. It's been too long since I've seen you."

"Ooh, Battie would like that very much, Miss Eloise."

Even though Eloise had grown up with Mitsie the house elf in Malfoy Manor, Battie and Gus had been there for her since she was eleven as well. Whenever she went to visit James, they would be there in their little fabrics wrapped around their bodies and smiles on their faces. They loved working for the Potters. They were treated like members of the family and weren't brutally mistreated like the house elves of the Malfoys.

Eloise and Battie were halfway through a conversation about Euphemia's brownies when they heard a cough from the door. Eloise looked up to see Sirius leant against the doorway, arms crossed and an amused look on his face. Eloise tilted her head and sent him a smile. Battie, giggling to herself, left the room to leave the teenagers alone.

"Why good morning, Gorgeous." Sirius said, appearing surprised as he walked over and lay himself down on her bed. "What on earth are you doing up so early?" he smirked, resting his chin on his palm as he lay on his stomach, facing where she was sat leaning against the end of the bed.

"Because you told me to be up this early."

"Fine then. Don't play along." Sirius huffed and Eloise laughed, running a hand through his hair,

"Why do I have to be awake?" she pouted and Sirius smirked once more,

"I told you! It's a surprise!"

"You just want me to make you breakfast don't you?"

"Your bacon is out of this world, Eloise."


"The boys are arriving in an hour okay?" James called out to Eloise and Sirius from the kitchen,

"Yep! Oh and, James!" Eloise yelled and James poked his head out of the door,

"Lily's coming, hope that's okay." she said and saw her brother's eyes widened. This confirmed her suspicions that something happened on the train because he wasn't leaping around the room blasting confetti out of his wand like last time this happened.

"Sirius, don't you have to go and do...something?"

"No." he frowned and Eloise gave him a look, jerking her head with a gesture for him to leave, "Oh yeah." he acted, catching her drift, "I have to go and...teach Elvendork and Wilberforce to play the bassoon. BYE!" he sprinted off and Eloise rolled her eyes,

"J, come sit." she beckoned her brother over and James apprehensively sat beside her on the couch,
"You're scaring me-"

"What happened between you and Lily on the train?"

"What? Nothing-"

"Oh my Merlin! You kissed?"

"How could you possibly have known that?" James asked incredulously and Eloise shrugged with a grin,

"Irrelevant. Tell me what happened!"

"Well, after I left for the bathroom she followed and pulled me into a compartment." he explained and Eloise nodded eagerly, the large smile not leaving her face and her hair turning golden with happiness, "Lily said that she knew I was hurting about you leaving and then she called me selfless. And then...she kissed me." he told his sister with a smile,

"This happened a week ago and you, James Fleamont Potter, didn't broadcast it to the entire world?" Eloise questioned and James shrugged,

"We agreed to keep it between us."

"I'm sorry...where the fuck is my brother?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean!" Eloise put her hands on his knees, "JJ, if you can hear me, blink three times."

"Eloise, you're overreacting!"

"No you're underreacting!" Eloise countered, "You just kissed the girl you've been pining after since you were eleven years old and your yet to shit yourself or do your happy dance...I'm yet to see a single shimmy."

"That would be immature."

"I'm being serious who the fuck are you? I mean if you were James you would-"

"I WAS TRYING TO BE MATURE BUT FUCK IT!" James suddenly leapt up and started doing a very weird dance move,

"Yeah that seems about right."

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