22 ~ Pretty Little Potter

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Awee look at the little confused Mary gif :)

"But I don't want to"

Sirius was pouting again. He had his arms crossed over his chest and locks of his black hair were falling over his face. He looked over to where his brother was sat at the Slytherin Table at lunch and he clenched his jaw. Eloise was almost tempted to say nothing just so she could stare at the sight of his strong jaw tense and his tongue sweep over his bottom lip and he continued to glower in the direction of Regulus. Sirius tore his gaze from his brother and saw Eloise staring at him, he smirked at her as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment,

"Enjoying the view?" he asked, his voice oozing arrogance. Eloise shoved his arm,

"Just go apologise" the amused smile on the boy's face slid off and his steely gaze returned to the younger Black, who was chatting animatedly with a blonde haired Slytherin, staring at them, known as -

"Evan Rosier, stop ogling at Eloise! She doesn't want scum like you dirtying the area" Sirius yelled across the great hall. Several people turned to look at them as Eloise gasped at Sirius and smacked him upside the head.

Fed up of his stalling, she grabbed his hand and dragged him to Slytherin table,

"Well looky here! If it isn't the Blood Traitor Black and Pretty Little Potter!"

"Behave Evan!" Eloise told the boy. Being friends with Regulus meant she had got to know the Slytherin boy and found him rather funny, although she didn't appreciate the constant insulting of her brother and friends.

"Reg, Sirius has something to say to you" she said, putting a hand on Sirius' arm, he scowled at her but turned to Regulus who had an entertained expression on his face at his brother's obvious discomfort,

"Ahem, I came to say....ugh Lou I feel like a twat" he added under his breath. She didn't reply, instead, she stamped on his foot and glared at the boy. "Okay, fine, um, Regulus I'm sorry." he turned to face Eloise. "Are you happy now?"

"Oh, I don't know, Regulus, do you feel that was a sufficient apology?" She turned to face the boy, grinning

"I'm not sure it was Elle, what about you Evan?"

"Absolutely not! What a disgrace!" Evan smirked at Sirius' face which was rapidly turning red in outrage

"Looks like you're going to have to do better than that my dear Snuffles"

"SNUFFLES?" Regulus and Sirius choursed, and then looked at one another; Regulus' mouth open in awe, Sirius' in anger. The brothers were so alike without realising it.

"Come on ickle Snuffles apologise to big bad Reggie" Evan teased, sending Sirius into another fit of outrage, throwing his hands up and stamping his foot, like a small child, causing Eloise to wipe a tear from her eye, she was laughing so hard. By now the majority of the Great Hall were watching them in disbelief - two Gryffindors at the Slytherin table? One of them laughing? With the Slytherins?!

"Yeah say sorry brother, maybe then I'll make you the best man at mine and Elle's wedding" Regulus joked causing Eloise and Evan's laughter to increase. To rub it in even further, Regulus pulled Eloise into his lap, his arms around her and his chin on her shoulder,

"I don't know, I think he'd better suit the Maid of Honour" Eloise said and put her arms around Regulus' neck. Sirius crossed his arms, with a face like thunder, and a flicker of jealousy crossed his features, like lightning, as he looked at Eloise and Regulus' intimate position. Eloise untangled herself from the blue-eyed boy's grip at Sirius' expression. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his waist,

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