11 ~ Backfires and Brotherly Advice

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Eloise Potter was stood in front of the mirror in her twin brothers dorm room at Hogwarts, her brown hair replaced with a warm red, her hazel eyes turned bright green

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Eloise Potter was stood in front of the mirror in her twin brothers dorm room at Hogwarts, her brown hair replaced with a warm red, her hazel eyes turned bright green. In front of the mirror now stood Lily Evans, at least that's what it looked like.

"Blimey!" James gaped at Eloise in the mirror, "You look like Evans!" Eloise turned to her brother and raised an eyebrow,

"No shit, Sherlock!" her voice rang out,

"You need to disguise your voice, Puff." Remus called from his bed, looking up from his book, "But well done." he smiled at her and she winked back at him,

"How's this?" Eloise charmed her voice as well as she could to mimic her best friend. Sirius grinned,

"It's perfect." he stood up and played around with Eloise's hair slightly, "Now go and prank Snivellus." Eloise threw James his invisibility cloak as he pulled a piece of parchment out of his back pocket,

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." he said, his wand on the parchment. Ink spread over the page like a web, spelling out the words:

'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Puff are proud to present: The Marauders Map'

The marauders map was a recent invention by the group of friends. James came up with the idea and Eloise, being the know-it-all, charmed it to pinpoint the precise location of every single person in Hogwarts Castle, the boys had repaid her by forgetting that she was a girl and refusing to change the 'Messrs' at the beginning of the map. It had proved very helpful in the many pranks that the Marauders had pulled off.

"Lily's doing homework in our dorm and Snivellus is..." Eloise consulted the map, "In the Great Hall eating lunch." James smirked and pocketed the map, he pulled the cloak over himself and Sirius, Eloise saluted to Peter before strutting out of the dorm next to Remus in the most accurate Lily Evans impression she could muster.


The Great Hall doors opened and Eloise and Remus walked in, Eloise waved to Remus,

"See you in a sec, Lily." Remus called, barely hiding the smirk on his face. Eloise walked over to the Slytherin Table and tapped Severus on the shoulder,

"Hi, Sev." she said and he smiled at her briefly before frowning and looking nervously at the Slytherins around him who were giving Eloise dirty looks,

"Why is the mudblood talking to you, Snape?" Amycus Carrow spat, not bothering to lower his voice. Eloise crossed her arms,

"Sev, I need to talk to you." Severus looked at his fellow Slytherins cautiously before looking back at Eloise, not moving. Eloise leaned down so her, or Lily's, long red hair was forming a curtain, "Please, Sev...It's urgent." she whispered in his ear, smiling slightly as his eyes widened and he nodded, following her out. Severus Snape was so shocked, he hadn't even noticed the two extra sets of footsteps walking behind him as he followed the redhead, mouth agape. Eloise pulled Snape into an empty corridor, "Listen, Sev," she began, biting her lip and looking at him through her eyelashes, "I know we're just friends and don't get me wrong, that's great but..." she took a step towards him and held his tie, his chest contracted at her touch, "I was thinking, if we could be more?" Severus' eyes were wide as saucers and his mouth open as he stared at who he thought was Lily. Eloise thought she heard soft sniggers from behind her, obviously coming from James and Sirius under the cloak and smiled at Severus to distract him, "What do you think?" she asked and Snape nodded vigorously, mouth still open in shock, "Ok, announce your feelings to me in front of everyone and I won't turn you down." Snape frowned slightly,

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