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Evan Peters as Evan :)

Eloise was greeted with the most alluring smell as walked into the the dungeon for her Potions lesson

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Eloise was greeted with the most alluring smell as walked into the the dungeon for her Potions lesson. She sighed contently as she breathed in the familiar scent of peppermint and leather along with a number of other comforting aromas. She sat in her seat, resting her head against Sirius' shoulder, he was also inhaling frequently through his nose, sending a smirk Eloise's way when vanilla and jasmine infiltrated his senses.

All of the students walked in, each with the same dreamy expression as they sat down, leaning towards the cauldron at the front which was emitting a pearly vapour. The last to walk in was Evan. Not seeing the word 'Amortentia' clearly written on the blackboard, the blonde boy pulled a face and turned to Eloise,

"Why does this entire room smell like Nathan's shitty banana aftershave?" he asked and Eloise turned to Sirius with an excited look, "He's not even in this class..." Evan mumbled before shrugging and walking to his seat. He looked to the front and his lips parted slightly when he read the word on the board. His cheeks reddened and he glanced towards Eloise who looked like she was about to scream with happiness,

'We're talking about this later.' she mouthed and Evan sunk lower in his chair, covering his face with his hands. Slughorn waddled out of the cupboard, many ingredients in hand, and a beaming smile shining from underneath his walrus mustache. After depositing the items and wiping his perspiring brow, the Professor clapped his hands, calling for the class' attention.

"Welcome, welcome! As you all may have already guessed by the smell, in today's lesson, we are studying Amortentia." he grinned, "Can anybody tell me what Amortentia is?" At once, Lily's hand shot up, along with Eloise's- though much less enthusiastically seeing as she wasn't a keener, as did Remus' and a Slytherin boy.

"Miss Evans! On you go!"

"Well Sir; it's the most powerful love potion in the world and can be identified by its mother of pearl sheen. It makes the drinker feel a strong infatuation towards whatever or whomever they received it from. However, the drinker will never feel real love towards the person who gave it to them, merely an obsession. Finally, the potion smells differently for each person, it smells like whatever they love or desire most."

"Wonderful, Miss Evans! 10 points to Gryffindor!" he beamed and began clapping, stopping when no one joined in. "Would you mind telling what you smell, my dear?" he asked and Lily flushed slightly before clearing her throat and smelling the air,

"I smell...vanilla," she said and sent a smile to Eloise who fluttered her eyelashes jokingly and blew her a kiss, "freshly mowed grass..." she frowned, "and b-broomstick polish?"
"THAT'S ME!" James stood up with his hand in the air, laughing hysterically, "THAT'S ME! JAMES POTTER! ME! I RIDE A BROOMSTICK!" he jabbed himself in the chest repeatedly until Remus grabbed his sleeve and pulled him to sit down. Eloise and Sirius snickered and Lily pinched the bridge of her nose and blushed crimson. Slughorn had a smirk on his face as he continued,

"Interesting." he mused, "Miss Potter!" he called and Eloise inwardly groaned, "Might I ask what it is you smell?" he clapped his hands together and Eloise smiled politely,

"I smell butterbeer," she saw James grin out of the corner of her eye, "Honeydukes chocolate," she smirked at Remus and Sirius raised an eyebrow, "peaches and cream," she threw a wink to Lily, "lavender..." she immediately thought to home and and smiled to herself, "and...that's it." she smirked as Sirius let out a sputtering noise, "JOKING! I smell peppermint and leather too." she smiled as Sirius wore a smug look and flung his arm around her shoulders.

"Lovely." Slughorn smiled warmly and the couple, "And you, Mister Black?"

"Filibuster's fireworks," he shared a smirk with James, "Mrs Potter's cooking, and vanilla and jasmine." he finished and Eloise snuggled closer into his side. Slughorn nodded and turned to James,

"Mister Potter?"

"Leather, jasmine, lavender and peaches." he sent a look Lily's way and ruffled his hair, slightly red. Slughorn finished with turning to Remus,

"And finally for today, Mister Lupin?"

Remus sniffed the room and smiled slightly to himself,

"Roses," he smiled and Eloise recalled smelling that flower whenever she hugged Hope Lupin on the platform, "chocolate and..." he paused and frowned slightly, "freshly baked cookies?" he questioned and Eloise thought to where she knew that smell from, deciding to shrug it off when she couldn't quite recall.

Upon leaving the classroom at the end of the lesson however, Eloise knew exactly where she had smelled cookies. It was when she met up with Robyn and at the moment which she gave her a hug, she was met with the smell of baking and apparently, Remus realised too as he flushed a deep red and sped off, making excuses about needing to go to the library. Eloise turned to Sirius who was smirking in the direction that Remus had ran. Before Eloise could take to him about their lycanthrope friend, Nathan's voice rang down the corridor,

"EVAN ROSIER!" the blonde boy looked up from where he was walking out of the classroom,

"Yes, Nathan?" he asked calmly, despite the pink tinge appearing on his cheeks,

"A little birdie told me that you think my banana aftershave is shite." she stood in front of the Slytherin and crossed his arms, a hurt expression on his face, "My mam got me that when I was twelve and I've been wearing it ever since." he whined and Evan smirked,

"Doesn't mean you should be wearing it, Nate."

"Well it never seems to bother you when we meet up in that broom closet." Nathan said and Evan's eyes widened,


"I'm not even going to call you Evan anymore, from now on you shall be... BANANARAMA-RACIST!"

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