90 ~ Posh Tea Cups!

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Sirius and Eloise apparated to where Sirius knew his cousin to be living

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Sirius and Eloise apparated to where Sirius knew his cousin to be living. The couple appeared in front of a medium sized house with large grounds surrounding it with a lake behind the pair. Sirius seemed to have lightened up considerably as he bounded forward and knocked on the door. When the door opened it revealed a very pretty woman with light brown curls and brown eyes who was smiling widely at Sirius with a green-haired child on her hip who looked no older than four. Eloise immediately noticed the resemblance between her and her sister, Bellatrix. Although the warm smile was a dead giveaway,

"Sirius! Come in, come in!" she called and beckoned the pair inside, closing the door behind them. She beamed at them and Eloise returned her smile, earning herself an excited screech from Andromeda, "Ooh! OOOH! The girlfriend!" she set her daughter down and the small girl immediately ran to Sirius who picked her up in his arms, "Oh she's gorgeous, Sirius!" she clapped her hands together, "Oh sorry, poppet, I'm talking about you like you aren't here! I'm Andromeda Tonks." she offered her hand for her to shake and Eloise took it with a smile,

"Eloise Potter." she replied,

"Sirius has told me all about you! I had to endure his ranting for five years until he finally grew the bollocks to ask you out." she called as she waved her wand and a tray of tea and biscuits flew in. Eloise noticed that she had a tendency to shout and got very excited very quickly. She gestured for the pair to sit down on the navy blue sofa and Sirius sat with the small girl on his knee. "That's my daughter Nymphadora." Andromeda smiled as her daughter waved at Eloise, "My husband's at work but he wanted to meet you too."

"Hiya, Nymphadora." she greeted and was surprised when her hair turned red,

"I don't like Nymphadora." the small girl pouted and Sirius and Andromeda laughed,

"Little rascal refuses to be addressed by her name." Andromeda shook her head and rushed off to get the 'posh tea cups!'.

"Well I'm sorry, why don't I call you something else then?" Eloise asked and Nymphadora tilted her head,

"Like what?"

"Well, at the start of your name it says nymph and a nymph is supposed to be a mischievous and playful little creature." she told the girl and she grinned, her hair turning a light pink,

"I like that!"

"So can I call you my Little Nymph then?"

"Yes! Wait...what's your name?" Nymphadora asked, tilting her head,

"That's Eloise, Dora. The girl I told you about." Sirius told her and her face lit up,

"The one that's like me?" she asked and Eloise laughed,

"You mean this?" she asked and began to turn her hair and eyes a multitude of colours before settling back to brown and hazel. Nymphadora laughed and clapped her little hands together. Eloise then morphed her face so her nose turned into a pig snout, earning more laughter from the child. She then gave herself a duck beak and Nymphadora fell sideways on Sirius' lap in laughter.

"I want to do that!" she said in awe and Eloise patted her head,

"You will." she smiled, "I'll help teach you, Little Nymph."

"Thank you, El-elo..." she struggled with Eloise's name and the brunette laughed,

"Why don't you just call me Elle?"

"That's not what Sirius calls you." Nymphadora said, looking up at her cousin,

"No, I call her Lou."

"Can I call you Lou?" she asked and Eloise turned to Sirius who was looking at her expectantly,

"It's up to you, love. It's your nickname." Eloise shrugged and Sirius put his hand to his chin in mock thought,

"Go for it, Dora." he decided, tapping her nose.


Andromeda, Sirius and Eloise were talking about N.E.W.T.s when Nymphadora began tugging on Eloise's sleeve,

"Lou!" she called and Eloise turned to her,

"Yes, Little Nymph?"

"Are you and Sirius going to get married?" she asked simply and she heard Andromeda let out a small laugh,

"Meet my daughter, the most blunt child in all of eternity."

"I wonder where she gets it from, Andy." Sirius smirked and the woman made a face at him,

"I don't know, Little Nymph. We might do." Eloise told her and she saw Sirius smile out of the corner of her eye,

"Do you want to?" Nymphadora asked and Eloise smiled slightly,

"Yes, I do." she said, "But not yet I don't think." she said and Nymphadora nodded, "Even though your cousin is pretty stupid, Dora, I think he'll time it right." she whispered and the little girl giggled,

"Sirius is stupid." Nymphadora whispered back and Eloise laughed with her.

Eloise was unaware of the look that Sirius was giving her as he watched her whisper and giggle to Nymphadora. His eyes were full of adoration and a smile played at his lips. Andromeda however, was aware as she gave him a knowing look. She leant forward in her seat and captured his attention. Sirius frowned at his cousin's smirk,

"What?" he whispered so Eloise wouldn't hear,

"Oh nothing..." Andromeda trailed off, examining her nails, "Just that you've fallen hard, cousin." she smirked and Sirius rolled his eyes, not bothering to hide his smile,

"Good observation skills, Andy." he said sarcastically, "But do keep up. I figured that out ages ago." 

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