26 ~ There Goes Trying to be Subtle

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Eloise Potter was sleeping peacefully. The smell of woodsmoke and chocolate filled her senses and the deep breathing of Remus Lupin sounded in her ears. The rays of early morning sunlight trickled through the window of the boy's dormitory and birdsong could be heard echoing over the grounds of Hogwarts. Lessons had not begun, and there was a serenity about the castle, the calm before the hustle and bustle of another day. The small brunette girl sighed contentedly, snuggling into the warmth of her favourite male friend, who was always there when she needed, hence her falling asleep in his arms after the sickening dream of the previous night. All was well inside the walls of Gryffindor tower, what could ruin such a beautiful morning?

"What. The. Fuck?" Three words from the jealous mouth of Sirius Orion Black and a pillow to the head was exactly what could take that title. Eloise sat up abruptly, scowling and rubbing her eyes, looking for the culprit of her rapidly forming bruise. Her eyes locked on the black haired boy and she growled menacingly at him, hair warm brown hair getting redder with each passing second.

"You've really gone and done it now mate" came from Eloise's left. Her twin brother knew she wasn't a morning person and to anger Eloise in the morning was more dangerous than insulting a hungry hippogriff. She reached for her wand and inwardly cursed at leaving it in her dormitory, causing Sirius to smirk and Remus to wake up.

"You're going to regret this Black" she thundered, surprising everyone in the dorm with her coldness towards the boy she was so 'friendly' with and the smirk slid off his face,

"Fuck..." Remus mumbled, "Padfoot, it's not-".

"Outside. Now." was the reply he got from him. He strode over to where she was sitting and yanked her out of Remus' bed, ignoring James' protests that he might be hurting her. Sirius kicked open the door and pushed Eloise out onto the landing.

"What are you bloody playing at?" He asked through clenched teeth. "You say you have feelings for me, and that you were pretending to be Remus' girlfriend, and we wake up and you just happen to be in his bed?"

"Sirius please, it's not like that, just listen"

"To what? Another bullshit excuse? I don't think so, not this time" and with that he turned on his heel and slammed the door in her face. Tears slid down Eloise's cheeks as she crumpled to the floor.

After what felt like an eternity, she dragged herself up and got ready for breakfast, replaying their argument bitterly in her head. Why can't he just listen to me for fucking once?! She thought angrily. Why does he always think he's right? Why can't he just accept things aren't always what they seem? After a tense breakfast which ended with Eloise throwing her cutlery at Sirius and storming off to Transfiguration, a vengeful Herbology lesson which resulted in Eloise 'accidentally' spilling diluted bubotuber pus on Sirius' hands and a hilarious Potions lesson in which Eloise whispered 'reducto' and blew up poor Sirius cauldron full of felix felicis, she felt like he had learned his lesson and was ready to speak to him again.

"That was wicked Belle" James cheered, as she owned up to blowing up Sirius' cauldron. The dark haired boy shrugged his shoulders and grinned good naturedly - who was he to get moody about a decent prank?

"That was damn funny Puff" Peter agreed with a wide grin, as Remus nodded his head to show his approval. They turned a corner, ready to enter the Great Hall for lunch, when a girl who, apart from Sirius, none of them recognised ran over.

"Hey guys, hey Sisi" she giggled, "Are we still on for tonight?" The girl batted her dark eyelashes and tossed her blonde hair which was enough to make Eloise feel ill. Sirius looked at Eloise, playing for time he instead introduced her to the group.

"Guys, this is Daisy, Daisy Maple. She's in Ravenclaw"

"I'm his girlfriend!" She chipped in, her bright blue eyes full of pride. Eloise's face became stony, jealousy bubbling in her stomach and insults for the blonde girl spinning in her mind, the rest of the group looked at her in worry but her expression turned to a patronising smile, deciding not to be angry, Eloise spoke to the girl,

"Yes Daphne, he would love to go tonight, wouldn't you Sisi?" she said, turning to Sirius who, she was furious to see, looked rather amused,

"It's Daisy." The Ravenclaw told her, her tone was icy and she narrowed her eyes at the sarcastic girl.

"Sorry what was that? I don't speak bimbo." Eloise said sweetly, to her outraged face before stalking off to the Great Hall.

"Jealous?" Came an arrogant voice from behind her, "Although you shouldn't be really" Sirius said, "We never said we were exclusive" he dropped his voice to a whisper so only she could hear. Eloise tossed her uneaten sandwich onto her plate and rolled her eyes before plastering a sickly smile onto her face.

"Me? Jealous? Where on Earth did you get that idea?" She simpered,

"I mean you were pretty obvious Elle" Peter chimed in

"Well, there goes trying to be subtle" she retorted sarcastically before gathering her things and walking off,

"Lily! Marlene!" she called and they looked up, she gestured for them to follow her and stormed up to the dorm.

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