107 ~ Not Much

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Eloise sat up abruptly in bed, breathing heavily and beads of perspiration settling themselves on her skin

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Eloise sat up abruptly in bed, breathing heavily and beads of perspiration settling themselves on her skin. She put a hand to her chest to slow her beating heart and placed the other on her stomach, sighing in relief when he hand came in contact with the very prominent bump. She had dreamt that she had lost the baby. That her little child had been grabbed from her clutches before it had even graced the earth with its presence and to say that it scared Eloise was the biggest understatement of the century. Eloise had grown mightily attached to the growing child in her stomach, despite not having met it and she couldn't quite explain the everlasting love she felt towards it. Neither could Sirius. He felt his adoration fro Eloise and the baby swell each day and they made him happiest in the world. He always made sure that they were both okay at all times. That was why Eloise was surprised when Sirius didn't jump awake to wrap an arm around her shaking figure. In fact, Sirius wasn't there at all. Eloise was sat in an empty bed and it unnerved her greatly. She looked around the room, James and Peter's beds were both empty as well.

"You alright, Puff?" a groggy voice came from Eloise's side. She sighed in relief when she saw a slumped figure in Remus' bed but frowned when she didn't catch the familiar glimpse of blonde hair splayed over the pillow.

"Y-Yeah, Rem." she whispered back, pulling the duvet tighter around herself, "Just had a nightmare."

It was then that Remus noticed the slight wobble in her voice and he stood up instantly to sit by her side. Eloise felt her shivering body being warmed up by the shocking body heat of Remus Lupin and allowed a small smile to fall across her lips. She leant into Remus' side and let out a small sigh,
"What was it about?" he asked soothingly and Eloise absent-mindedly let her fingers dance over her stomach,

"I dreamt that I'd lost the baby." she whispered, her voice cracking slightly,

"Oh, Puff..."

"It sounds stupid because I haven't even met them yet...but I love them so much." she whispered, her eyes trained on the window as Remus looked down at her with a soft smile,

"I can tell." he said and she looked up at him, "So does Pads." he smiled and Eloise let out a giggle,

"Yeah...that boy." she shook her head slightly and Remus chuckled,

"Where is everyone by the way?"

"Well Robyn felt ill so I took her down to the Hospital Wing and when I came back, the boys were gone." Remus shrugged and Eloise yawned softly,

"You should try and get some sleep, little Puff." Remus whispered and Eloise nodded against his chest,

"Yeah...we have our Charms N.E.W.T. tomorrow." she looked up at him with a weak smile and he pulled a face. Eloise giggled slightly and Remus frowned,

"How are you not more stressed?"

"I don't usually get stressed about these kinds of things." she shrugged and she yawned again,

"Okay, now you really need to sleep, Elle." he said and Eloise nodded, lying back on the bed. He stood up to leave but Eloise let out a small noise of protest, grabbing his hand and pulling it,

"Don't leave me, Remmy." she whined,

"Puff...if Sirius saw-"

"Remus Lupin, I'm hormonal and need some comfort so sit your bony arse down!" she whisper-shouted and flopped back down. Remus chuckled and lay down next to her. "I miss us two hanging out together." Eloise muttered as she rested her head on his shoulder, "What's a Puff without her best Moony?" she asked with a smile and Remus chuckled,

"The same as a Moony without his best Puff." he replied and Eloise's eyes fluttered closed, "Not much."


Sirius walked into the dorm, a scowl on his face. He had tried to prank Snivellus but he got caught by Filch and he, James and Peter had to serve detention that very night by polishing the trophies by hand. Needless to say, it was morning and none of them had gotten any sleep. The three sulking boys walked in with Robyn right behind them, having been given a cold cure by Madame Pomfrey and instructed to spend the rest of the night in the Hospital Wing for good measure. She frowned when she saw the Remus' bed was empty and went to ask Sirius if he had seen him when she turned to catch sight of the aforementioned boy stood at the end of his bed, arms crossed and looking very angry. Robyn smiled to herself when she followed his gaze and saw Remus and Eloise cuddled up together in Sirius' bed, Eloise's head on the scarred boy's shoulder and his arm resting loosely across her waist.

"Isn't that cute?" she cooed as she stood net to Sirius and he turned to her open-mouthed,

"Cute? Not particularly, no." he deadpanned and Robyn rolled her eyes,

"It's just harmless cuddling, Siri." she waved her hand and he raised an eyebrow,

"Are you not the least bit disturbed by this?" he asked, gesturing to their friends' intimate position,

"No." Robyn looked him in the eye strongly, "Because I trust my boyfriend and I happen to know that he and Elle are very close friends who are quite affectionate people. Jumping to conclusions isn't going to help anybody and we both know that neither Eloise or Remus are like that." she said and she heard Sirius' angry thought slow down in his head. She smiled to herself when she heard him thinking about the truth of her sentence and leant down to nudge Eloise awake.

As soon as the brunette's eyes opened and landed on Sirius, her features flooded with relief. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face into his shoulder,

"You're back! I was so worried." she said as she pulled away and looked at his frowning face,

"Why were you worried?"


"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down, love." Sirius chuckled and Eloise let out a breath, "You had a nightmare? What about?"

"Losing the baby. But it's okay, Moony was there and he comforted me and then we fell asleep." she said guiltily and she looked up at Sirius through her eyelashes. She frowned when she saw the calm smile on his face, "Not that I'm complaining..." she began suspiciously, "But why aren't you getting insanely jealous like you would normally?" she asked and Sirius let out a small laugh,

"Because I trust you." he said, cupping her cheek. Eloise's eyes softened and she smiled up at him,


"Yes, of course I do! Last time I checked that was my baby and not Moony's." he smiled as he stroked her stomach and Eloise's grin widened,

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that." she ran her hands through his hair and cradled his jaw, bringing him down to meet her lips, "Love you."

"Love you too." he smiled and she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek on his chest.

Sirius looked up and caught Robyn's eye. The blonde was giving him a knowing look paired with a proud smile and he rolled his eyes,

"You were right." he mouthed and she shrugged with a grin,

"When am I not?" she mouthed in return and she sent him a thumbs up as she went to go and help Peter who was stuck with his head in his school jumper and had fallen to the floor.

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