32 ~ It Takes Two to Tango

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So I'm shaking right now because we're #2 in Marauders which is completely insane, thank you so much! Also we hit 1.5k read so thanks omg! I appreciate every single one of you...yes even you ;)

The sky was a blood red, streaks of pink and orange running through like rivers of fire. The sunset was truly magnificent that night. Eloise would have seen it, had she and Sirius not been stuck in detention with Minerva McGonagall.

"You two seem to quite enjoy writing notes in my lesson, so I'm sure you will not mind writing lines for me tonight." The corners of her lips twitched at Sirius' expression of outrage.

"You see Minnie, I would mind, very much so, as I have homework to do and friends to see tonight." McGonagall opened her mouth, however, Eloise beat her to it.

"Homework?" she scoffed, "don't make me laugh Sirius, I don't think you've done a single piece of homework since our arrival in first year!". Sirius clutched a hand to his chest.

"I have never been so offended in my whole sixteen years on the planet!" He exclaimed. Eloise's mouth flickered into a grin before remembering that she was supposed to be angry at the boy. She turned to McGonagall.

"What would you like us to write Professor?" Her voice respectful once more, no trace of the voice she had used to address Sirius, moments before.

"I think, one hundred lines of; whether or not I write notes in my free time is up to me, however, in Professor McGonagall's class we only write down valuable knowledge, which we do not throw across the classroom should suffice." Sirius gasped in horror and began to splutter;

"Professor! That will take us hours!"

"Best follow Miss Potter's example and get started then." The pair looked at the small girl, who's hair was styled in pastel blue beach waves, which fell across her face. She had already scribbled down ten lines, and was starting her eleventh.

"Keener" Sirius muttered annoyed as he picked up his quill and began to write, a sulky expression on his face.

Eloise, who was on her 65th line, glanced up to see Sirius sulking like a child. His lips were in a pout and his nose scrunched up in annoyance. She snorted quietly but loud enough so he looked up,

"What?" he mouthed and Eloise had to cover her mouth to stifle a giggle. Sirius looked worriedly at McGonagall's desk but she hadn't noticed a thing and had continued to mark her papers,

"Is poor baby Siri upset because there were consequences to his actions?" Eloise whispered mockingly and Sirius opened his mouth in protest,

"My actions? Last time I checked Puff, it takes two to tango...or to throw notes in this case" he countered,

"Yes, hence why I'm here, with you, instead of cozy in Gryffindor Common Room" she whispered, pointing her quill at him before she carried on writing.

Eloise was just finishing her 83rd sentence when she heard the noise of a chair being pushed back, she glanced up to see Sirius walking to McGonagall's desk, two pieces of parchment in his hand. He placed them on her desk and sat on a table whilst she counted them,

"Very well Black, you may go" she sounded surprised but let him leave nevertheless. As he passed Eloise's desk, he winked at her cheekily, causing the girl to come to the conclusion that he was most definitely up to something. Eloise finished her lines 15 minutes later and left the classroom, only to see Sirius waiting outside, leaning against the wall, his black hair flopping slightly over his face. He grinned at her as she walked out of the door,

"Why hello there Lou, what took-"

"What did you do?" she interrupted and a smirk found its way across his features,

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