35 ~ Her Name Is Daisy

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Eloise was getting dragged away by the hand,

"Padfoot! Slow down!" she called after the boy in front of her, her vision of her surroundings blocked by his flowing, black hair. Sirius had sprinted into the Gryffindor Common Room five minutes prior, panting heavily and grabbed Eloise by the hand, pulling her up to the boys' dorms. The pair reached the Marauders' Dorm and sat down on Sirius' bed. He ran a hand through his hair and put a hand to his heaving chest, "Sirius-"

"Give me a minute, I sprinted all the way from Ravenclaw Tower" he held up a hand and leant back on his pillow.

Eloise waited for a minute. Looking around the room, she noticed a piece of paper on Sirius' bedside table with her name written on it. She could recognise Sirius' annoyingly neat handwriting, although it wasn't in English, it was in French. She was able to pick out the words, 'Eloise, J'ai attendu trop longtemps, mais..." before Sirius snatched it up and stuffed it into one of his drawers,

"What was that? What have you waited too long for? And why does it have my name on it?" she questioned and Sirius rubbed the back of his neck,

"It's...nothing - anyway!" he shouted, sitting up, "What I came to tell you" he said checking over his shoulder to see if anyone was listening, "I was in Ravenclaw girl's dorms-"

"With Daphne no doubt" Eloise mumbled and Sirius cleared his throat awkwardly,

"Yes..well, anyway, I was in Ravenclaw when I accidentally overheard Milton talking in the Common Room" Eloise perked up slightly, her head moving up from its previous resting place on her hand, "He was talking about asking someone to be his girlfriend" Sirius continued and Eloise's shoulders slumped, probably some gorgeous seventh year, she thought, "And then he said your name". Eloise's mouth dropped open at Sirius' words,

"M-my name?" she asked and Sirius nodded, Eloise was too shocked and elated to notice the upset look on his face, "Are you sure he said my name?" she asked and Sirius rolled his eyes,

"No, now I think about it, I think he said Brutta Bulstrode" he said sarcastically and Eloise laughed,

"No way" she whispered.

"Listen" Sirius began, "You know how I feel about you, so quite frankly, I don't know why I'm telling you...It must just be my thoughtful and generous nature-"

"Get to the point Pads"

"But you seem to like Milton, so here I am, potentially losing the most gorgeous girl in school because I'm so fucking nice" he mumbled the last part and Eloise almost didn't hear it,

"You okay Sirius?" she asked and Sirius looked up, plastering a fake grin on his face,

"Peachy Puff, why do you ask?" Eloise merely raised an eyebrow and his happy facade dropped, "I...ummm, I broke up with Daphne" he said in a rush and Eloise's eyes widened. Sirius searched her face for even a fraction of joy but she was in shock, the only thing she managed to say was,

"Her name is Daisy".


The snow was melting and the green grass was making a reappearance as the Highlands of Scotland prepared for spring. Colourful buds bloomed about the grounds of Hogwarts and the icy bite of winter was no more, lifting both the temperature and the spirits of the students; especially the two students walking hand in hand down the cobbled streets of Hogsmeade. The worn stone paths becoming visible once more and the now periwinkle blue sky was ridded of clouds.

Eloise warmly welcomed April and smiled to herself as she passed the green-clad trees, the leaves flowing slightly in the pleasant breeze. Cameron's hand slightly shaking in hers as the pair walked to The Three Broomsticks for their date, the Ravenclaw had found her the day before and requested that she accompanied him to the quaint village, claiming he had something important to ask her. After Sirius had told her about overhearing Cameron talking about asking someone to be his girlfriend, Eloise had an inkling about what the question would be. The nerves that had fluttered against Eloise's insides were calmed slightly as she breathed in the crisp air, the sweet scents of flowers weaving their way into her senses.

They reached the pub and sat down in a booth next to one another, Cameron grabbing both of Eloise's hands almost instantly after they had seated. He looked into her eyes and took a deep breath, seemingly preparing himself for his ever important question. The nerves returned to Eloise, but instead of the previous butterflies, it was a hurricane of paranoia, rattling around in her chest, leaving behind it a trail of hurried breaths and fidgeting fingers. Eloise bit her bottom lip and watched Cameron's mouth open, his lips forming the words she had been so desperate to know. The six words had pierced the air, travelling through the atmosphere until they settled in Eloise's ears. She froze, she wasn't too shocked, having been pre-warned but her eyes widened nevertheless. A look of worry flashed across Cameron's handsome features, the anxious expression not suiting his usual laid-back and confident manner.

Eloise replayed the question in her mind. The question, she had been asked before of course: three times. The first, when she was twelve, by a Hufflepuff called Albert Kendal in the year above. She had told him no to which he responded with a claim that it was a dare but his red cheeks and hurt eyes said otherwise. The second time was in her Fourth Year, by Hugo Nichols in Slytherin. He had asked Eloise, much to her surprise, after a row they had in the middle of Herbology, him having knocked over her plant pot. She didn't have time to tell him no before James and Sirius had stepped in front of her and crossed their arms, shooing him off. The third and most recent time was the same year, by William Wood, when he had asked her in the Great Hall, this time, she had said yes only to break it off the day after.

But this time, when Cameron was sat their, vulnerable and worried, hope filling his blue eyes, Eloise couldn't say no. So that day, on the fourth of April 1976, when Cameron Milton had asked Eloise Potter to be his girlfriend, she said yes.

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