The King and Him

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Y/n: Hey you two.

Castle Guard 1: Step back from the gate!

Y/n: I need to see the king though.

Castle Guard 2: Step back or face punishment!

Y/n: So you're not gonna let me go?

Castle Guard 1: I said back! *The guard swings his sword at you and it breaks in half*

Castle Guard 1: What?

Y/n: Excuse me. *You push the gate open, breaking it*

Castle Guard 2: Someone is breaking in the palace!

Y/n: *You walk in* Mine is better.

Multiple guards use magic to constrict you.

Y/n: Huh? My feet got heavier. *You continue to move*

Guards begin to fire multiple magic spells at you.

Y/n: My gut is telling me this way, or is it my eye now?

Guard 1: Is he immune to magic?

Guard 2: Impossible!

Guard Captain: Halt! You have broken into the palace and will now face execution!

Y/n: Who decided that?

The guard captain charges at you with his halberd ready. Before he hits you, you punch him knocking him out, and proceeding up the stairs to the throne room.

Guard Commander: My Lord! There is an intruder coming! We must leave!

King of Fiore: What? Call the guards!

Guard Commander: We can't stop him mi-

You blast through the door.

Y/n: Why did you have it boarded up? I was trying to NOT do that.

Guard Commander: *Shaking* I will take care of this hea-

Y/n: Can you leave?

Guard Commander: *Runs away*

King of Fiore: Well I better get going to!

Y/n: Not so fast!

King of Fiore: What do you want! *Trembling*

Y/n: Well Toma, I want to be in the tournament that will be going on. As a special contender.

Toma: What? Why?

Y/n: Because I want to.

???: Father!

Toma: Hisui! Not now!

Hisui: Leave him alone villain!

Y/n: Can you just do it when you get the chance?

Toma: I'll get it set up right away!

Y/n: Alright then. *You teleport away*

Hisui: Father are you alright?

Toma: Yes, Hisui. I was expecting someone but not anything like him.

Hisui: What was he? An assassin?

Toma: Thankfully no. I got a dream saying to expect someone I had only heard of before. Turns out he just wanted to be in the Grand Magic Games as a special contestant.

Hisui: What will you do?

Toma: I have to think of something.

-Back at the Castle-

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