The Eyes Awaken

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Trying to get back towards more of the chapters being about friends and not just love interests. So the next few chapters will be centered more towards Gray, Natsu, and Lucy.

- Guild Hall-

Ultear: Morning Erza.

Erza: Good morning.

Ultear: Long night? You seem tired.

Erza: You could say that.

Cana: You don't think she means...

Mirajane: *Sigh* She probably does.

You walk into the guild hall.

Lucy: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Hey Lucy. How have y-

You see Erza, Cana, and Mirajane glaring at you.

Lucy: Are you okay?

Y/n: Never better!

Gray: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Oh hey Gray, you're safe to talk to.

Gray: What?

Y/n: Nothing! Whats up?

Gray: Me, Lucy and Natsu were gonna head off on a job. You in?

Y/n: Yeah but, what about Erza?

Gray: The thing is, we aren't exactly supposed to be doing this.

Y/n: Oh.

Gray: Change your mind?

Y/n: No way lets go.

Gray: Alright meet me outside the guild hall at midnight.

Y/n: You bet.

Gray walks away and Cana walks over to you.

Cana: Well you've been distant.

Y/n: How so?

Cana drags you outside.

Cana: Use me like an object then throw me to the side right?

Y/n: I don't think you remember things the way I do.

Cana: I remember you having sex with me.

Y/n: I remember you getting me drunk and wanting me have sex with you.


Y/n: Or did you forget that part?

Cana: Whatever. You took the two of them out but not me.

Y/n: I didn't take Erza out.

Cana: You took her to a tropical island!

Y/n: Its not- Fine where do you wanna go?

Cana: Some place expensive. You know, wine and dine.

Y/n: You're kidding.

Cana: Nope. Pick me up at seven!

Cana walks away swaying her hips.

Y/n: *Sigh* I think I found my weakness.

-Time skip-

You knock on Cana's door.

Cana: *Opens door* Ready to go?

Y/n: Yeah.

Cana: Then come on! *Cana takes you arm and smothers it between her breasts holding it.*

Y/n: *Blush* So where do you wanna go?

Cana: Well I already ate, what I really want is some liquor.

Y/n: My castle has a cellar. I guess we could-

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