Prophets: Paths Foretold

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A/N: Hey guys sorry for the wait, been in college for a while now, but, I've graduated and have some spare time to write some of these stories. I'll update when I can before I have to go back for my next degree. TTYL


You wake up in the morning feeling well rested and slightly heavier than usual. Of course, that can be attributed to the two curvy women laying on both sides of you. While Mirajane and Cana sleep, you gently rise up from the bed careful not to wake them. Before going out and starting the day you head to the bathroom.

Nastrond: Good morning, your Highness.

Y/n: Morning Nastrond. Any word after the battle? *Steps into bath*

Nastrond: Your inquisitors have noticed some enemy movement in Magnolia, although it seems that they are trying to flee the land. Many are also being picked off by guild members trying to make some extra money. Outside the land, however, there are reports of some sort of dragon that many adventurers can't even get a close look at. It sends its minions to ward them away.

Y/n: Anankos?

Nastrond: Possibly, I haven't sent the inquisitors to check.

Y/n: Why not?

Nastrond: If it is Anankos, we should keep the element of surprise.

Y/n: And if it isn't?

Nastrond: Then they'll more than likely be steamrolled by our forces.

Y/n: Hm, smart.

You finish bathing and step out of the enchanted pool. Nastrond makes the towels fly over to you and wrap you within them. Effectively drying you off, your clothes then fly over to you on a hanger.

Y/n: Well, I have another idea that could work.

Nastrond: What is it, your Majesty?

Y/n: Call Natsu and Grey to the throne room. It is time for them to utilize their unique talents.

-------Castle Halls, Minor time skip---------

Natsu: Why do you think he called us here?

Grey: Probably has more stuff to teach us. He only trained us like once you know.

Natsu: Yeah but that S-rank mission was gonna have me and Happy eating buffets for weeks! He's still at my place passed out in a food coma!

Grey: Dude do you just spend all of your earnings on food?

Natsu: Well yeah.

Grey: Why am I not surprised?

Natsu: Then why did you even ask, broke boy?

Grey: Don't you even start now!

Natsu: *Smiles* Bring it!

Grey: *Growls* Just come on and let's see what Y/n wants. After that I'll gladly wipe that goofy smirk off your face.

The two approach the throne room doors that tower over them. The doors open by themselves once they get a little closer and reveal you sitting atop the throne.

 The doors open by themselves once they get a little closer and reveal you sitting atop the throne

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Y/n: Welcome.

Grey: Alright Y/n, what's this all about?

Natsu: Yeah, me and Grey were totally about to-

Y/n: Grey and I.

Natsu: NO ONE CARES! Just tell us!

Y/n: Very well, I need you two to take a very special contract.

Natsu: What kind of contract?

Y/n: One that will take quite a long time, possibly a couple weeks. Outside of Magnolia, there is an evil dragon on an island east of this castle, your mission is to go there, and find out all there is to know about its intentions and abilities.

Natsu: Aww man! You only want us to do homework?

Y/n: Oh this will be quite daunting Natsu. The dragon has hordes of minions that it will spawn to prevent you from getting to it.

Natsu: Now we're talking!

Grey: Ok, we get past the minions, what about when we get to the dragon? We just talk to it?

Y/n: Good question. If it can be reasoned with then yes, try to pacify it and learn what it wants. If it isn't, you'll have a few options.

Grey: Which are?

Y/n: You can either, A, kill it, or B, if you feel the risk is to great, flee.

Natsu: No way we're running!

Grey: Wait, if we kill it then we won't learn anything from it, what would be the-

Y/n: Which brings me to my last options. If you are feeling especially, daunting, you can attempt to either capture the dragon, and bring it back here, or contain it at the island it resides.

Grey: How would we even pull that off?

Y/n: You'll have to tell me, if you manage to do it of course. With the new magic at your disposal imagination will be your most powerful weapon.

Natsu: Enough talking! When do we get started?!

Y/n: Soon, but there is one thing I have to give you before you go.

Grey: What?

You step down from the throne and give Natsu and Grey two emblems. 

Grey: What are these?

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Grey: What are these?

Y/n: They hold a small portion of my power. When the time is right, you'll know how to use it. Now, go.

Natsu: Sounds good to me! Lets roll Grey!

Grey: Right behind you!

Natsu and Grey take off, not running, but flying. Grey is lounging on a cloud of ice and snow, while Natsu flies with the fire on his back in the shape of angel wings.

Nastrond: Well, that leaves you available to deal with other threats that may emerge. A well thought out plan.

Y/n: Actually, I did that so I could relax.

Nastrond: Well you have earned a break, but what will you do?

You walk through the doors and into the castle hall.

Y/n: No idea yet, maybe I can-

Julia and Lucy spot you from down the hall and come up towards you.

Y/n: Oh, hello you two.

Both of the have red faces and are looking away shyly. You look at them for a second, and the seal on your back glows, while a smile comes across your face.

Y/n: Oh, you came here for that, how very naughty.

A/N: Thanks for keeping up with the story if you still do, again I do apologize for the long delays but my life is kind of hectic. See you next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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