Chapter 4 The Ring

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Alright so first of all, publishing will get slower throughout the next week or so as I'm taking my finals but do expect a Christmas special chapter on Christmas Day btw!

Your POV

"Bye Sayori!!Bye Alex!!"I said as they took off in their car and began their way back to their apartment.They were always the last ones to leave as Sayori would always carrie on the conversation."Did you enjoy today Natsuki?"I asked as we got into my car."Yeah, it was pretty fun..."She said as she laid her head back and let out a yawn."Well I'm glad you had fun!"I said as I let out a light chuckle as she began to fall asleep.

I then felt her hand lightly fall onto my arm as she slept.I smiled and placed my hand over hers for a moment before I took it away to actually drive.

We had finally made it back to the house and away from the awful known as the highway.I personally don't like going onto highways as I can't help but shake the dwelling feeling that a drunk will smash into us one day.But that had always been a fear of mine and I had grown over it.

I then went over to the other side of the car and carried Natsuki in my arms as she had fallen asleep as we drove back home.I then made my way up to our house and skillfully unlocked it.I had learned how to unlock the door while holding her as that had become a skill that I developed after learning a full day of activities will make Natsuki fall asleep.I then opened it up to hear the tapping of Chewie coming over to greet me.

"Hey boy!"I said as he sniffed me and went back to his bed as he watched me lock the front door, and made my way upstairs.

Once I made it to my room I carefully laid down Natsuki on our bed as I changed into my night clothes, brushed my teeth and got into bed with Natsuki who by this point was somewhat awake.Once I got in bed, Natsuki opened her eye with a sleepy expression which I thought was pretty cute."Go back to bed cutie..."I said as I pulled her close to me and began to lovingly stroke her hair as she closed her eye."....I love you Y/N...." "I love you too Suki..."I said as she drifted off into darkness as I too was soon consumed by darkness.


Your POV

I woke up and felt a weight on my side, I turned and saw that Natsuki was clinging to my side to which I smiled.I then began to rub her back as I closed my eyes and tried to get some rest.That was until a thought smashed its way into my head and made me wide awake as I remembered that I was purposing to Natsuki on her birthday."I should get the ring now and not risk it..."I thought to myself as I looked down at my sleeping beauty.

Natsuki was fast asleep, but the problem was the risk of her waking up and then wanting to come along with me."I'll be quick, I'll just leave her a note..."I thought as I began to carefully shift her off to the side."...Mmmm.."She lightly mumble as I moved her off of me as my heart raced.The last I wanted was a angry and sleepy Natsuki which I had encountered three times and I definitely don't it go up to four.

She was almost off when my alarm clock suddenly went off which caused me to practically jump out of the bed."Shit!"I said as I reached over but was met with a hand on my arm as the hand began to painfully squeeze."....Y/N.....!"I heard Natsuki groan as I turned over to look at her and found an angry and sleepy Natsuki.

"....Morning angel...?"I said as she painfully squeezed down on my arm."Ow, ow, ok I'm sorry Natsuki for waking you."I said as she pulled me closer to her as she buried her head into my chest and muffled something."What was that Natsuki?"I asked as she relaxed her grip and said. "Where are you going...?"She said as I felt my heart race." where important Natsuki..."I said as I nervously chuckled. "....don't play dumb with me Y/N...where are you actually going...?"She said as she looked away as i realized that her heart was racing too.

Natsuki usually and never acted like this except if I had "accidentally" woken her up."Y/ honest with me....were you going to see that girl...?"Now I was actually confused."Wait, what?What girl Natsuki?"I asked as I felt her push her head into my chest as she said."That girl that you were staring at when we went to the mall..."

I began to laugh as she looked up a little hurt as she said."What's so funny!?"After calming down, I then said."Natsuki, I wasn't looking at that girl.I was looking at the poster that was showing the figures that I wanted.I would never cheat on you Natsuki, I love you!You will always be my one and only love!"I said as I brought her into a kiss, the taste of fresh strawberries was alway present on her lips and it would intoxicate me.

"Sorry for hurting you then and that misunderstanding..."She said as I lightly chuckled and said."It's alright, just remember that I will always love you and will never harm you in any way Natsuki..."

Time skip, at the Mall

Your POV

After making up with Natsuki and making her and my mom some breakfast and watching an episode or two of Anime I had left and strangely enough convinced Natsuki to not accompany me on my trip which was great as I wanted this to be a surprise.The drive to the mall was fairly simple and fast as I didn't encounter any problems.

Once I reached the mall I then made my way in but made sure that I have enough money to purchase a ring for Natsuki. Even though I wasn't purposing yet, my heart was racing and I got nervous."Your just getting the ring Y/N, calm down..."I thought to myself as I entered the mall and began to make my way towards the place where every mans wallet dies.

I then entered the store and began to look at all of the beautiful and expensive jewelry."Hello, my name is Jenny.Can I help you with anything, or is there is anything your looking for?"A voice rang out to me as I looked up at the employee."Umm...No, I don't think so." "Ok then."She said as she began to turn around."Wait, I'm looking for a wedding ring for my girlfriend and i kinda need help now that I realize it..."I said as I scratched the back of my head as she turned around and said."Aww, What's her name?" "Natsuki..."I said as she responded with."That's a cute name, well all of the "Actual" wedding rings are over here."She said as she lead me over to another area.

"Here they are!Call my name if you need any help!"She said as she went off to go and help another person.I then turned my attention to the rows of expensive but beautiful rings.As I looked through them I couldn't help but think of what Natsuki would want.My eyes scanned over at least 6 that caught my attention while there was still well over a 100 rings to look at.

I continued to look through the rings until one caught my eye.It was a sliver ring with intricate patterns going up to the where the diamond lay.It had a pink outline along the base of the diamond and along the patterns edges, I immediately knew that this was the one.The ring that I would purpose to Natsuki with, the ring that I would slip onto her finger.

"I would like this please!"I said as Jenny came over and carefully took out the ring as she said."You sure?" "Yes!"I said as my heart pounded in my chest as she told me the price."That will be $570 then."She said as I felt my wallet die.I coughed up the money and after a few inspections with the ring she put it in a small blue box and gave it to me."Have a good day and good luck!"She said as I walked out of the store with Natsuki's wedding ring.

"Next week is gonna be interesting..."

And there ya go!I wonder what will happen afterwards...hmm.....oh ya , that's right!Theres a chapter named "Do or Die", I wonder how that will play out.And that's not the name of the chapter where Y/N purposes btw.Sorry guys if this chapter seemed a bit out of place, I've been in a weird sour mood and mainly because of my finals that are next week so ya....I'll try to get a chapter up next week though or this weekend though.


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