Chapter 1

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My name was (Y/n) Evergarden when my mother was around

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My name was (Y/n) Evergarden when my mother was around. After she died, my father had full custody of me. He changed my name and used me as if i was a male. I became a model and an actor. Every year i scored in top 5 for sexiest teen actor. Mostly 1st for the the last 8years running.

I turned 16 on December 21 which was only last month.
And so today January 23rd I'm moving into my new house in a new town. I'm finally able to live a normal life without my father controlling it.

Whats my first dream?
To go to a school. I always got tutored and i hated it always.
I couldn't make friends and i was always isolated.

When do i start?

The private school is known as PK academy and i will be joining 2-3.

I'm actually excited. I already know a lot of people are going to notice me. Maybe everyone and that worried me but i hope some people just genuinely want to know me.

For some reason, i asked the school to keep the truth behind my gender a secret.

I have lived my entire life acting as a male so i have gotten use to it and id rather not have to change that.


I woke up early and got ready for the day ahead.
I polished my teeth and played with the fangs i had. My father had my teeth actually chipped and carved so i could be a realistic vampire and it hurt when it was done.
I despised them and i despise him.

I threw on a uniform and hoped for the love of god no one would know who i was today.

I made my way to the academy and got lost so many times i actually went to a police station to ask for help.

One of the officers actually escorted me and i gave my thanks.

I looked up at the academy and was amazed by it's size. Especially since there is less than 600 students.

I made my way in and copied what other students did and gave a good morning when entering.

I asked a random student help me find my class and he was more than happy to help...
I thought everything was going dashingly as no one had recognised me until we got to the corridor my class was in.

Nearly everyone around of both genders came running at me for a signature and i crouched in the floor and covered my ears.

Surprisingly, i was actually really sensitive to sound so their squealing and screaming hurt my ears.

The boy who brought me here made everyone disappear.
"I am Ash Valentine."


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