Chapter 3

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I had got to school exceptionally early so i could relax without the press trying to see my house

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I had got to school exceptionally early so i could relax without the press trying to see my house.
News spread quickly of my new town as students couldn't keep their social media on the down low so reporters would be waiting at the school when students arrive and i would rather avoid the whole situation.
I made my way to the classroom and i almost gasped at what i saw.

I accidentally lit myself on fire for a split second but it was enough to burn parts of my top

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I accidentally lit myself on fire for a split second but it was enough to burn parts of my top.

The flame alerted him i was here and he snapped out of his trance.

"What... Was that?"
"That's my question. So your psychic."
"Why is your shirt burnt?"
"My cigarette lit my top?"
"So you are a psychic or at least Pyrokinesis."

Ash entered the room just in time.
I ran behind him and he got the clue.
"Lets head off for a bit shall we?"
"Alright... Bye saiki."
As we walked off ash turned to me.
"Your shirt is burnt."
"I know. He shocked me and i accidentally set myself a light."
"Does he know?"
"Trust me, even if he does i have blackmail on him as well so he wont snitch."
"What will you do about your top?"
"I always carry a spare set... Well i have a spare in my locker as i knew there is a chance."
"That's impressive."
"Spares are impressive? Guess the saying simple minds simple pleasures is right."
"Hey! I'd never bring spare..."
"You do don't you?"
"Yes but only because i get blood on it most times before school cause some punks try and jump me."
"Do you always win?"
"I only lost once but it was when i started out as a gangster. It was 20 v me. It wasn't the best situation."
"You run a gang now though?"
"Ye. Not like its impressive. Most people are terrified of me because of it."
"That's because people don't care to get to know the real you. Everyone loves me because I'm famous but no one actually cares about who i am."
"I'm looking forward to gym. I heard we have special teachers in for the rest of the year."
"We together for gym?"
"Well i need to get dressed then."

I walked with him to the men's and he turned towards me.
"I've been changing with other men for years. Stop being a pussy. You wouldn't have know yourself."

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