Chapter 15

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I had completely avoided saiki during the whole school day to the extent i actually came home after first period.

I was so embarrassed and out of it i told the school i felt sick and Zero came and got me.

When we got home i was curled up on my bed internally crying.
What is wrong with me?!
I barely know him and i say he has a sexy personality.
I must be insane.

I spent an hour in the bed before i decided to get fresh air by going into the gardens.

I spent an hour in the bed before i decided to get fresh air by going into the gardens

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I walked slowly through the rose gardens listening to the birds chirping

I sat near the water fountain that was tucked away at the back of my gardens and listened as water began trickling down the fountains center piece.
As i was silent and listened to the surrounding noises of nature, i learnt that my heart beat wasn't the only one i could hear.

I quietly got up to follow the sounds of footsteps and see 2 Arthur's?

"Arthur? I think i am hallucinating. Is there 2 of you?"

Both of the men jumped and neither was in any servant related uniform.

Both of the men jumped and neither was in any servant related uniform

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"I am sorry Mistress. I didn’t realise you was home."
"That has not answered my question."
"He is my brother. Matthew meet my employer. Lady Violet."
"It is a pleasure to meet you. Matthew."
"So how come you are here?"
"I take full responsibility. I shouldn't hav-"

I couldn't contain my laughter and they both looked at me confused.

"What did i tell you when i introduced my rules."
"We are equal, and can do whatever we want. As long as we have done our jobs firstly."
"Exactly. So i have no issues with you having a friend or sibling over. Now you boys have fun alright."

I made my way back to the house were zero was on the phone line informing me it for me.

-Hello Sakura Violet speaking-
-Hello... Is it alright if i come and visit for dinner tonight. I am passing through your town.-
-Russel? Major cornel Russell of European psychic political institutions. -
-You make it sound like i am impressive even though you had a higher rank in the war field and better rewards and achievements. -

I sent to speak again before seeing he was at the gate during the entirety of this call.

A while ago, he would have been the type of person i wanted to date

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A while ago, he would have been the type of person i wanted to date. Actually i did have the tiniest of crushes. Cold, dignified, stubborn, prideful. He is an amazing person. He would never leave anyone from our side behind. Even if it meant carrying them himself.
He was an angel to his companions.
However. He was Satan to his enemies. He would give them a painful death and showed them no mercy.

I guess... We are alike in those aspects.

I ran to my room finding an war outfit as i knew he'd be attending in his uniform.

I heard the bell go and the guys had used their psychic abilities to ready everything and one of them had even teleported to grab food and set it up on the table as a buffet

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I heard the bell go and the guys had used their psychic abilities to ready everything and one of them had even teleported to grab food and set it up on the table as a buffet.

"Cornel what an honor."
"The honor is mine. You already prepared food. That is incredible."
"I can't take any credit my family managed this incredibly well you se-"

I stopped speaking when saiki suddenly teleported in the middle of us and it was rather uncomfortable.
"Who is this!"
"Did i come at the wrong time."
"Slightly. This is one of my fellow comrades."
"In the war?"
"Yes. Who is he?"
"He's no one. Saiki I'll come find you later."

We watched as he left and we ate with all of my family and Arthur's brother.
The meal was awkward as we all had to talk about and the war.

When the night cane to the end everyone was miserable and he left thankfully saying he had to continue his journey.
No one spoke a word for the rest of the night as we all washed the house down and went and separated to be depressed in our own ways.

I didn't contact saiki as i went to sleep in my bed moping on the past.


This book is having a 2 week pause.
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