Chapter 5

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After the incident yesterday at school, i haven't left my house. I went straight home after the first lesson and i didn't return today.
Not because of some rude prick.
Actually, one kid drenched me calling me a filthy fag and i found it to be rather insulting. But he used cold water and my immune system... Is almost nonexistent. So i have a cold.
Ash tried to visit but i told him i was ill and I'm dangerous when I'm ill.

And that isn't a lie.
If i sneeze my Pyrokinesis activates so i tend to burn things. And i have scorched my wooden floor beyond belief. I'm grateful the house isn't on fire if I'm honest.

I decided to check the news and one article shocked me.

~Famous teenage actor and model Rei Evergarden defending same sex relationships~
-Is Rei Evergarden defending his potential lover Ash Valentine or his brother Commanding Officer Evergarden and his fiancé Officer Ryusaki.-
I went online and started a live broadcast.

"Hello everyone. I know a lot of people here hate me which I'm fine with. I am bi-sexual and there is nothing wrong with that. To me i don't care about the persons gender. Its the personality. I wasn't defending myself, Ash or my brother. I was defending all of us. Not just people i know but also everyone who is true to themselves about this. I don't think that its fair to scrutinise people just because of their preferences. Lets take officer Evergarden and Ryusaki . They fought in the army for a little over 5 years until my brother lost his eye. He was the best sniper this country made. Ryusaki was a combat medic but also a knife pro. When they became officers, they have arrested 5 rapists, 12 murderers, stopped 7gang wars in which one nearly lead to a school shooting. In total they have apprehended more criminals than bones in a human body and they have only been doing this for what 3 or 4 months? Just because they are gay people looked past what they have done. Then ash. He isn't gay. He has a girlfriend named (y/n) and she is a stunning darling. And as for me, ye i love both genders and if i lose fans and opportunities in the future because of it, then i don't care. I am not lying to myself or anyone else. I guess to the fans who are leaving me because of this, thanks for staying this long."

I went to place the phone down before my brother called me.
" Hello oni-chan. "
" Are you and ash dating? "
" I couldn't think of a name so i just used mine. It stops him being bullied i hope. "
" And... Me and Rin thank you. You didn't have to do that for us."
"Of course i did! You are my family."
"True. Well thank you anyways. I have to go back to work, have a good day."
"Do i sound like I'm having a good day at 1:30pm on a school day with a cold?"
"You seemed fine on the video."
"... Sure... Well see you when I'm better."
"Get well soon nee-chan."
"Bye oni-chan."

He ended the call and almost simultaneously after ash called.

"What the fuck rei?!"
"Why that name!!!"
"I couldn't think of anything on the spot. Sorry."
"Well... Your plan kinda worked. People came and apologised for bullying me when they thought i was gay. But i knew they wouldn't have apologised if they thought i was still gay."
"To be fair i see you as Asexual Ash. Alliteration name!"
"That would be because i am. And are you really bi?"
"No. I'm Pan but that doesn't matter to the public. Most probably don't know what pansexual is."
"Guess that's true. If anyone asks for a photo though, i will kill you."
"Use my sister. Haha she's fit as fuck. By the way... I am joking. I will get a photo trust me. Hehe~"
"You seriously concern me."
"Probably best."
"tsk- the gang want to meet you at some point. Any chance you can do Monday? As its the weekend tomorrow and I'm guessing you will still be ill."
"Ye that's a safe assumption. I will say maybe for now. It really depends on how much better i get."
"Well then. Get better soon."
"Have a good weekend."

I turned my phone off immediately so no one else would contact me.
I took a sleeping tablet and hope i feel better when i wake up.

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