Chapter 6

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Saiki came over on Saturday night to make sure i was alright but he ended up staying the night when he found me pale as a ghost, and unable to move as i was extremely fatigue.
Saiki ended up staying so he could get food and drinks for me which was sweet of him.
Somehow i was fully recovered by Sunday lunch. I'm going to guess it was his doing in some sort of magical way.
I tried offering money as a thanks but he simply declined and then left to get home.

The problem is, i don't like being indebt but also i feel terrible. I made him stay the night instead of being in the comfort of his home and family.
I threw on some casual clothes

I left my house and rushed to an ATM where i took out 50,000¥

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I left my house and rushed to an ATM where i took out 50,000¥.
I put it into an envelope.
-Thank you for taking care of me. I hope this covers my gratitude. To Kusuo saiki from Rei Evergarden. -

I posted it in his mail box before leaving.
I went round the corner before i heard what i presume to be his mother.

I couldn't help but laugh at the shock and happiness in her voice.

At least if he doesn't use it, maybe his parents can.
I may have given a little too much but at least his family will be able to use it.

I made my way into a store and saw a young lad. Must be a 1st year.
"Are you alright?"
"N.. N... No."
"Whats wrong?"
"I joined a gang. And i forgot what the leader wanted."
"Whos gang. I might know them."
"Ash Valentine."
"Strawberry bun with strawberry milk. I'll go with you and ill take the blame."
"Thanks you sir. Do i know you?"
"I'm a second year. Rei Evergarden."
"Your the one who stood up for same sex relationship. Thank you. I got bullied a lot because i am dating a male in the third year."
"Well, i can't stand bullying. Especially homophobic behaviour."

The lad went to pay but i beat him to it.
"Keep the money. Just don't let ash know."
He nodded his head frantically before shoving the money deep in his pockets.
I followed behind the kid until we arrived at an abandoned house i visited when i moved to this town.
I did wonder why there was traces of humans being in it.
I ran in screaming
Everyone jumped into a fighting stance and i started laughing until ash came forward and dismissed his men.
"Welcome rei."
"Yo! This is your troupe? Seems like a punch a pussies."
"Don't be rude."
I met everyone and they all tried arm reselling but failed. At one pointed everyone tried together against me.
They are weaklings.

"Man its ironic. I was planning to buy this building and do it up. But i guess you own it! Oh what the shame!"
"We will fight with our lives!"

We looked at each other before laughing at each other.

"I'm going home I'm tired. See you tomorrow"
"See you later."

And with that my night came to a close.

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