Chapter 4

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When i left early i got into the police car and Rin took me home as brother was chasing down a case.

I gave my thanks before running into my house and collapsing on the couch.
I was more than certainly ready to just disappear into a 3 day nap...

A coma... A coma sounds like a pleasant experience.

Reminds me of a few years ago when i scared my brother to the point he nearly had a heart attack.

I had a week off from everything so i took a bunch of sleeping pills and i went... Into a coma. Literally a coma.
On the first day my brother just dismissed it as exhaustion, on the second day he slightly worried and forgot to research it up later. On the third day he freaked out and called the hospital. The fourth day was me waking up to life support and a drip.
But man did i feel refreshed as fuck.
(Note: please don't attempt this at home... Ever... Please dont...)

I lied on the sofa doing absolutely nothing except letting my mind go blank until my door bell rang.

I didn't bother to check the eye glass on the door. I just threw the door open. Their stood ash... And saiki?
"Heya Ash!! And saiki? Why are you here."
"He asked to come along.. .. He wanted to ask some questions."
"Saiki if its about my abilities ash can stay and listen but i may not answer your questions."
"Alright... How many powers have you got?"
"Can't you read my mind- oh wait never mind i have a blockade on it."

I held a hand to each of them and they received a list of my abilities in their minds.
"Thats alot."
"Ash. Thats not alot. Thats everything. Literally anything and everything. Do you realise how dangerous you are rei."
"Yes saiki. Now i ask a question. Why do you have antennas and i don't need them. I have no control over mine but you have some control. Or complete control."
"My brother made them to stop chances of sudden out bursts."
"Wait he's also a powerful biach?!"
"Yes ash..."
"Do i need to remove his memory?"
"No. If you do. Ill erase you."

He slightly shivered at the thought.

He held his hands out to me and i took them. He let me see everything about him and what abilities he had.
"I'm sorry. I'm not ready to let people know my past. My powers have hurt many and killed. I cant control them and I'm terrified to try. Until i can live with my guilt, I'm not sharing my memories."
"You can use my families really old race course for training if you want. I own the land and if anyone goes there and i find out, its suicide for them."
"I guess i will... One day. Thanks for the offer ash."

The conversation diverted thankfully and we began talking about teruhashi.
"Ash. You heard of teruhashi?"
"Terribleshi? Ye. Blue hair dumbass. I refused to say oh wow because i believed the concept was ridiculous. So she told everyone i was a killer and delinquent. Those didn't bother me so she then told people i was gay."

I felt my blood boil at that last sentence.
Love is love. What does gender have to do with it? If you love them, you want to be with them and make sure they are always happy. You want to know that they have some one who they trust and know will support them. Gender is a social construct which is ridiculous. Love... Is love. Nothing else should matter.

Saiki dismissed himself and then ash left shortly afterwards.

When the school day came i went exactly when the press was around.
I invited some of them to come to the cafeteria.
I stood on a table and it got everyone's attention.
"If you are alright with same sex relationship go the left. If not go to the right."
I watched as almost the whole school went to the right. It was appalling.
"I am pissed. I hope the camera has this. I support same sex relationships. I have always believed love conquers all and i believe people just follow a flock. If some people hate it you believe it must be wrong also. What is wrong with it?! Seeing though nearly every student is against you should all at least have you hand up about why its wrong. "
No one stepped forward.
" I have dated other males. And females. I had no issue with gender. If they treated me with respect and were loyal, then i was happy. Most people have no reason to hate it. You just do. What about reproduction? Its not like the entire planet will go gay or lesbian and our world isn't really low on the human population. So if i ever hear anyone bullying another person for being gay or using it as an insult, be assured i will stop major companies ever wanting you. Such as the student who started bullying Ash Valentine. "

Everyone was silent and i left the room making sure to leave everyone stunned.
I turned my phone on to see the mass of spam.
The news did it live... Oh well.

My brother is gay. Him and Rin and i hate how people also slander them. They are officers that protect your lives, catch criminals and make the town safe. Yet, people have defaced their station, their cars, they slander them online and they did nothing to deserve it. They even fought for their country in the military for over 5 years. No one cares about what they have done. They cared more about ripping innocent and friendly people apart till nothing, not even dust is left.

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