Chapter 14

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I had left the house and fell asleep next to the grave about 6 hours ago making it 3am.
When i got up it was slightly drizzling and so i decided to warp home.

To my surprise saiki was on my bed asleep in his hand as he was in a sitting position.
I went towards him and the floor creaked waking him instantly.

I sat next to him and he fell asleep on my shoulder. Guess he was tired. But the thought of him waiting for me is. Nice?

I laid him down on the bed and tucked him in before checking on everyone else.
May, rin, and Crystal were in their bedrooms however Zero wasn't. I searched the house leaving the last place i can find him. The library.


There was no response.
I saw a dim light and went up the stair case and across several rows of books to find the him at the computers i had installed.

I said his name but he was zoned out and completely absorbed by whatever he was researching on the computer.

It was a word document but as i read it i realised there was two. He was doing one as a document of what everyone did so a report for me. The other was a diary of sorts keeping the details of what had happened for himself.

I tapped his shoulder and he didn't jumo but simply turned and faced me.

"Oh hello Lady Violet. Why are you up so late?"
"I just got back. I found all the others asleep. So did you transport my brother hone with his fiancé?"
"They are sharing the guest bed. Sorry i didn't ask but as you were not here i made the decision."
"Thats perfectly fine. Make sure you sleep though. I don't want you getting sleep deprivation or any related illnesses."
"Alright miss. Also... Thank you for defending everyone from kokomi teruhashi."
"I told you when you began, i see you as equals. As my family. Good night zero."

I left him to finish his work and went to check the guest room and my brother and Rin had fallen asleep holding hands. They truly are adorable.

I checked to see if saiki was in my bed still and he was.
I sat next to the bed and examined him.

He isn't actually that bad looking. He is... Emotionless most of the time and if his friends ask him to hang out, he usually rejects them unless coffee pudding is involved.

I watched him as he wriggled and quietly snickered. Who knew the cold Kusuo saiki could be adorable.

I smiled and looked at him but knocked my chair over with me on it when i saw his eyes were open.
"You scared me."
"Maybe your shouldn't watch people sleep."
"You fell asleep waiting for me and then on me so i tucked you into bed."
"I never said i waited for you."
"Nooo... You just stayed in my room till i got back at 3am for no reason."
"I promised i wouldn't abandon you or leave you if you showed me the truth. I plan to keep my word."
"Well aren't you a sweetie."
"Please don't call me that nasty pet name."
"Only if you can say Oh wow to me."

He turned his head away and looked outside through the window.

"I'm going to get my pj's. Ill sleep in the couch."
"Ill sleep on it, after all i am the one intruding."
"But you are a guest."
"If i get uncomfortable, i will just go to my bed at home."

I went into the bathroom and changed clothes, brushed my teeth, washed my face and tied my hair into a messy bun.
I climbed into bed and saiki had already fallen asleep on the sofa chair next to my bed.

"Good night little psychic."


The sun began to rise and i had woken myself up with my internal clock.
Saiki was already up himself and was reading one of my books.
"That's a good book."
"Ah! - sorry i didn't realise you was awake. Good morning. No one else is awake as its 6am. We seems to only got about 2 hours of sleep."
"I can live with that. His come you are awake."
"Haven't a clue. I woke up about 10 minutes ago so i haven't been up long."

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