Chapter 13

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*Flash back begins. *

It was a cold autumn night when a storm had begun and my father had became trapped at work.
Me being 5 and brother was 10 we were alone at home with mother.

She had asked me to change the weather with my powers and i tried but it failed.
She had already helped my brother with his powers so now she was trying to help me.

"Make a flame."
She watched as i made a small flame and let it grow until it made two figures. They danced together on my palm as i got stuck watching i forgot my fear of storms momentarily.
But lightning hit and i jumped causing my flame to spark and it set ablaze the knitting blanket on the sofa mother had made.
Mother was staying at home due to cardiac issues and so wasn't able to move excessive amounts or leave the house.
She made Jacob take me and leave.

I remember fighting him and crying try to reach out for my mother as she stood their and smiled knowing she wouldn't see us again

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I remember fighting him and crying try to reach out for my mother as she stood their and smiled knowing she wouldn't see us again. As if she was savouring the image for her final moment.

We got outside after my brother had dragged me out. I was crying and blaming myself. Jacob was hugging me with me on his lap and petted my hair trying to comfort me telling ms it wasn't my fault.
But it was. It was my flames.

The fire brigade arrived but the house had already burnt to ashes and took us to the police station.
My brother told them i couldn't speak as i was traumatised from watching our mother burn alive and he gave the witness statement saying it must have been a gas leak and the lightning must have set off a chemical reaction.

The police couldn't prove it otherwise and so the case was dismissed.

Father had gone home to ashes and rushed to the police station when the informed him of our location.

It was about 3 weeks later when we watched our mother being buried into the ground. I cried possibly as loud as i could with Jacob holding my hand as he cried.

But father was finally going to start his plan.

But father was finally going to start his plan

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