Chapter 8

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I had left saiki alone last night as i disappeared home.
I guess even without experience teleportation works along as I think about it.

I crashed onto my bed and saw a missed call from ash.
So i called him back.

"Did ya go to my land today?!"
"Ah! Alrighty then. Someone tripped security. So just drop me a text whenever you go through. Cause if other people do i can also alert you and know if it you or an intruder."
"Ok. Good nig-"
"Are you alright? You sound like crap?"
"Im fine. Night ash."

Before he even had a chance to speak again, i hung up on him.

He knew something was up but was smart enough not to call again or text. So he sent my brother to my house.

I don't even want to know when he got brothers number.
I opened the door with a tear stained face.
He was stood in the cold weather of February in barely anything so i dragged him in.

"Its February! You could have caught a cold you idiot!" "What's wrong?" "Nothing

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"Its February! You could have caught a cold you idiot!"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Did ash say something?"
"Even if he did, your face is stained with tears and your eyes have gone red and puffy."
"It's nothing."
"Was it that kid you were training with?"
"Did ash tell you we trained?"
"No. I check up on you using powers. Only to see if you are alright. I saw you with him. Then i saw you crying in your bed. Then ash called although i was already on my way here."
"That's convenient... I'm just wallowing in regret and self pity."
"So it's about mother."
"Ye. We could of had different lives. I wouldn't have gone through torture, lost my feminism or been treated as a tool. Mother was our protection and... I... Killed her."

I went to speak again buy i heard rustling outside. I noticed a figure trying to sneak away. I'm guessing they heard and were now trying not to get caught.
I ran to the window and flung it open.

" Who are you. "

They turned around and it was saiki.

"You already heard... You might as well come in and meet my brother."

He came to the door and i let him in.

We all sat on the couch in awkward silence before saiki closed the window i had forgotten about with his powers.

"This feels..."
"Awkward. Well... We are all psychics."
"So i just learnt..."
"So... Sorry i heard that..."
"Its fine. But i guess you already knew."
"He did?"
"I pieced it together. She hates Pyrokinesis and... Reis mother died in a house fire."
"Why did you pause?"
"You said rei. Instead of his."
"You said you lost your feminism."
"So you heard that. Ye. Its confidential. I was raised as a guy and so i had the school recognise me a a male. Only the select few teachers, my brother and his fiance, and ash know. Its confidential."
"Like our powers."
"Yes... For you two. I had listed my abilities on police records to use in cases."
"How do people believe it?"
"You know how he can talk to the dead?"
"Technically he doesn't exactly do it himself. They posses him and give a statement. Usually on a stand."
"How do they believe it?"

"Bro. Can you bring mom?"
"Really? After all these years?"
"I might as well face my biggest fear."

The thing about his ability is he transforms into the person who possess him. Although i do not understand how.

"Mom?" "Sorry who are you boy? How am i here?" "Its

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"Sorry who are you boy? How am i here?"
"Its.. Me... (y/n) and... Brother used his ability to summon you here."
"My baby girl. What did your father do to you. He shaped your teeth and groomed you to look like a male."
"I am use to being a male..."
"Whats wrong? You are crying."
"Do you blame me... For your death?"
"Heathens no! I could never blame you! I should have known better than to let you use an uncontrollable open flame in a wooden flammable house."
"But they were my flames."
"Your flames didn't kill me. Or the smoke. I knew you might blame yourself. So i killed myself before any flames could. So your flames didn't kill me. You never hurt me."

I hugged her and i cried knowing under this illusion, i was only hugging my brother and crying into his clothes. But nether the less, i felt years of blame, regret, fear and pressure be released off my chest.

" After what 10 years or so, i expected you to have your lovely golden hair, it to be long and a perfect figure. I never thought you'd turn out like this. But... Are you happy like this?"

I nodded my head frantically.
"Then i can pass on happy. Please telll your brother to let me rest happily now. Tell him i love him."

But before anything more could happen she left.
I was going to neglect telling him so i could see her again.
But saiki told him.

I glared at him and stormed off to my bedroom and after an hour or so they both took the hint and left.

Will i finally be able to use Pyrokinesis without regrets or fears?

Now i know i am not a murder?
Maybe, finally i can get over this deep embedded fear of my powers. Maybe... I can finally be...

{Note will be important in future chapters}
> online it says saiki resets the years so everyone repeats it. So in a later chapter i will have this reset but i will have it unaffected the psychics. This will be important.<

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