Chapter 3

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Leighton POV

As I was driving over to Abbey's house, I was thinking.

Did I like Jack? and if I did, what would my brother think of it? Why would he kiss me? I was so involved in my train of thoughts I didn't realize I was in Abbey's driveway.

I walked up to her door and opened it. Yes, we've been best friends for that long that we don't even bother knocking when we come over.

"Hey Leighton!" Abbey's mom says.

"Hey!" I say.

I start to walk up the stairs to Abbey's room.

"What's up my homie!" I say and plop on her bed.

"Hey homeslice!" she says, "so what's the news on Jack this time!"

"Ok well, your gonna think I'm kidding but.. he kissed me." I say. She bursts out laughing.


"If I was kidding do you think I would tell you he kissed me?" I say and she stops laughing.

"Wait..he kissed you?" she asks, I nod. "Oh my god Leigh your two years younger than him! Holy crap did you tell Jack yet?" she asks.

"Nope, and I don't think I will be telling him anytime soon." I say.

"Yep, he would definitely go ape shit on you." She says.

"But that's not the bad thing Abs," I say.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

" Yes," I say, "the bad thing is that I think I liked the kiss." I say.

"Oh no.." she says.

"Oh yes," I say, " and I think I like him." I say, dead serious.

"Leigh.. you're scaring me.. I mean yesterday you were telling me how you flipped him off and today your telling me you like him?" she says, a little scared.

"I know, but Abbey.. I felt something in that kiss. It felt like fireworks in my mouth.. like pop rocks in my mouth." I say, in a daze.

"Um Leigh, I don't think you 'like' him.. I think you love him." she says.


I get back home and open the door and see Jack. My heart flutters, what?

"Hey, um I have to talk about the kiss from last night.." he says. His voice is heavenly.. what? Just a couple days ago I was mentally shooting him in my head, and now.. this? I snap out of my daydreaming.

"Yeah me too.. Um it kinda felt- " I get interrupted.

"Yeah I'm sorry, it didn't mean anything I was just caught in the moment and I have a girlfriend.. and I think it's best to say that it was a mistake." he says and instantly my heart breaks. He didn't feel the same.. it was just me.. I was a fool for liking him.. what was I thinking? of course it was a mistake I was a horrible kisser and I was a fool for thinking he would change.

"Leigh?" he says, my heart still flutters. That was the first time he called me Leigh.

"Uh yeah.. total mistake," I say and the tears threaten to come out. Before I know it I was crying and I headed to the door again and start to run. Before I know it, I was at the park.

Jack POV

Wait she liked the kiss? I see her eyes start to water and tears fall out of her eyes. She liked me? Well not anymore I guess. I see her starting to back up and opens the door and I hear her start to run. Before I know it I follow after her. I get out of the garage and I watch her going right and chase after her.

"LEIGH WAIT, COME BACK I DIDNT MEAN WHAT I SAID," I say but she doesn't stop and I stop. I lost her, I lost the girl I love. I see her running near the neighborhood park and I run after her again.

I finally get to the park but I don't see Leighton anywhere. But then I hear sobs. I start to walk and I find her head in her hands crying.

"Leighton.." I say, she looks up and mascara is running down her cheeks.

"Oh, um, I should get going.." she says and stands up and wipes her cheeks with her hands, and starts walking back near her house.

I catch up to her and pull her around and do what I wanted to do. I crashed my lips onto hers, again. I know I have a girlfriend but I felt fireworks that I don't get with my girlfriend. Leighton pulls away and starts to run back to her house again. I stood there in shock. I start to walk in the same direction, but this time to my house. Once I get there I text Alison, my girlfriend, and tell her I'm breaking up with her. I delete her contact and put my phone away. I walk over to where all my dad's scotch and whiskey is and take it. I start to cry and drink some of the whiskey, man it tasted horrible, but I need to stop thinking about Leighton. I drink more and more until I forget how much I've drank.

Leighton POV

I end up at the park and cry more and feel my cheek and I see my mascara. I walk to a tree and sit down and start bawling more and more.

"Leighton.." I hear his voice again. I look up and see him.

"Oh, um, I should get going.." I say and stand up and wipe my cheeks again. I start to walk back towards my house but I'm pulled back and turn around and I feel his lips on mine again, those same fireworks exploding again. But he has a girlfriend. I think and break the kiss. I start running back to my house again and start crying. I get to my house and walk in. I see Jack, oh no.

"Sis..what happened?" he asks and he pulls me into a hug. I back up.

"Here, let's talk." he says and pulls me to the couch. I start to cry but Jack gives me a tissue.

"Okay.. the reason I asked where Jack was, was because last night after I dried off from my shower I walked into my room he was in there and he pushed me against the wall and kissed me and it felt.. amazing and I like him now, but when I came back from Abbey's house he told me it was a mistake because he had a girlfriend and I started to cry and I ran to the park but he followed me and when I started to leave he kissed me again but I remembered his girlfriend and I ran back here and.." I said and burst out crying, again.

Jack pulled me into a hug and said, "Well I'm going to go talk some sense into him sis, and I never knew you liked him.." he heads out the door to I guess Jack's house. ugh.

I pulled out my phone and tweet

@leightonjohnson__ : @abbey_grace I really need a hug.. and some ben&jerry's

I sigh and turn on the tv. In 5 minutes I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Abbey and I hugged her.

"So what did the faggot do this time?" she asked, referring to Jack.

"Well he told me the kiss was a mistake and he has a girlfriend.." I say, tears slowly falling.

"Well I'm sorry, he doesn't deserve you. But I brought ice cream!" she says.

We started to eat the ice cream and I put on Mean Girl.

Jack J POV

I walk over to Jack's. My sister likes my best friend? Wow. I knock in his door and he opens it, smelling of a mix of alcohol.

"Are you drunk?" I ask.

"Nahhh maaaann I'mmmn juusttt cryiinnggg oveeeerrr Leeigggghh," he says, I thought I was the only one who called her that? Well besides Abbey.

I slap him. " Well man, you really hurt my sister and until you make up your mind, don't bother coming over." I say and leave.

Jack POV

Wow he slapped me. But I do deserve it. I really messed up, and Leighton definitely won't forgive me.

Author's Note : Ok so to clear things up when it says 'Jack POV' it will be Jack G and when it says 'Jack J POV' it will obviously be jack j's. So yep.

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