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"So, why don't you tell me what made you run out on the guy if it wasn't revenge for what guys have done to you in the past," Kitty teased playfully as she drove keeping her eyes on the road while a smirk spread across her face. The radio was on, but turned down low because she hated being a totally silent car. I mean who wouldn't?

I took a deep breath crossing my arms and sinking down in the seat as far as my seatbelt would allow. "Fine. So it all started last night," I began telling the story.

I couldn't believe I had let Kitty talked me into doing this. I wasn't the type of person to go out to places and party. I was a homebody and there was no question about it.

Still, Kitty had won me over like she always did. Something no one other than my family could do. Tonight, she was somewhat of my fairy godmother. She did my hair into a wavy style and also picked out the short sleeve red dress for me. My heart raced as I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress fit me perfectly and only stopped at the knee line. "I can't believe I'm dong this," I said in a hush tone as I put on the silver hoop earrings she had provided for me. The color kind of matched the locket that dangled from around my neck. Afterwords, I added the dark red wine lipstick mixed with lip gloss. It was the final touch.

Just as I finished I heard and saw Kitty walking up behind me. I gave her a nervous smile before turning to face her. "I think it's too much," was what I said instead of asking the cliche 'How do I look' question.

Kitty snorted shaking head head. "It's not enough, but I figured you wanted something settled instead of something out there like mine," Kitty replied before twirling in her black dress. It flared out and only a moment behind her. The sleeveless dress held up her small breast which I figured was thanks to a push up bra she had selected or was built into it. She also wore matching black heels. She had bought me some as well, but I had declined and agreed to some cute slip on shoes she found in my closet. "We're celebrating not only your twenty-fourth birthday, but you getting back on your feet. You've got a successful job and you have your own apartment."

She paused so I took this chance to respond to her. "I don't know," I replied with my voice trailing off.

Kitty made her way over to me and gave me a hug with a warm smile. "Look, just think of this as a night well deserved. You've worked hard to get were you are now. You've put up with crap from assholes who you called boyfriends. Don't you think you deserve a night of fun and maybe a chance at love?" I thought quietly to myself. Did I deserve it? Kitty sighed. "Think about it, Louise. In the end, even Cinderella herself took a night off."

I exhaled heavily before giving her a slight grin. "Are you comparing me to Cinderella?" Kitty grinned. I shook my head. "Fine," was all I could think to say. I had no comeback. Kitty clapped for joy. "Don't get too excited. It's only for one night then this princess has to go back to reality. And we have to leave at midnight before I turn into a pumpkin," I joked before chuckling.

Despite agreeing to the night, it still didn't make my stomach feel easy as we pulled up to the club that was near my apartment. I took a deep breath reminding myself it was just once.

Into the club we went. I stood there looking around the club. My hands felt a bit sweaty as the nervousness grew over me. My reflexes almost made me grab onto Kitty since I was out of my comfort zone, but, before I could do so, she was gone.

I groaned with annoyance. I wasn't a drinker, but I knew I needed a drink to survive this night. So, I made my way over to the bar. I was on my third glass when the music suddenly stopped playing as a voice came onto the speakers. "Listen up," I heard a male voice say. "We have a birthday girl in the house. Why don't we give her some praise for making another year?" Everyone started to cheer and clap their hands. My head sunk on the bar as I sighed heavily. Another year with not really much of a change in life. I was just going through the motions of each day. It wasn't really living. "This song goes out to the birthday girl," the man said over the speakers before another song played.

Making a Difference ~Book 2 of The Difference Series~ [BWWM] (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now