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I ate my ice cream as I sat curled up on my couch and watched a movie. I shook my head feeling sad for the female on the screen. I felt her confusion. Just like her, I was confused. My body wanted his touch and his love. My mind went against it. My heart, on the other hand, was on the fence.

It was only ten in the morning, but I still was in my pajamas and eating junk food for my breakfast. This was my poor choice of a solution to clear my mind so I could figure out things with a fresh look. A knock came on the door threatening to ruin my movie. I tried to ignore it putting another spoonful of cookies and creme into my mouth. But, the person was persistent. After the second knock, I groaned softly figuring they saw my car outside and it was futile to try to ignore them.

I forced myself off the couch and peeked through the peephole wondering who had dared ruin my day off to think. There stood Kitty knocking a third time. She looked determined. I sighed unlocking the door and producing a inviting smile. "Hey, Kitty."

Kitty crossed her arms as she looked me over. "Hey, Louise. I just thought I stop in and check on you to see if you were okay. I tried to call and text you but you never replied. So, I stopped by your job to offer to take you out to lunch and they said you took the day off," Kitty stated.

"I just needed a day off to think. Why don't you come in," I responded stepping to the side to let in Kitty. We went back into the living room where I quickly swiped up the remote and turned off the television, but not before Kitty caught a glimpse of the movie. She grinned.

"Romance movies?"

I rolled my eyes letting her judgemental comment somewhat roll off my shoulder. "What's going on with you, Kitty?"

"What do you mean?" she asked her grin quickly turning upside down into a frown.

It was my turn to smile gently. She was terrible at hiding stuff from me when things were bothering her. "The only time you offer to buy me anything is when you're trying to get your mind off something."

"I do not," Kitty hissed. I sat there quietly waiting for her to answer the question. Kitty exhaled heavily breaking easily. "Tai and I were supposed to hangout this weekend, but she forgot it's her turn to watch the children that don't go for a family visit." She fell back on the couch in disappointment as she crossed her arms. "So, she's stuck watching Amora for the weekend. So, I figured I spend time with you."

I sat there in silence for a second. Kitty was my best friend and has been there for me more than once. So, the least I could do was help her out. Besides, I missed spending time with Amora. "How about we go surprise Tai instead and I take Amora off her hands for the weekend. That way you two can have the weekend all to yourselves as planned."

This got Kitty's attention as she shot up from her slouching position and her eyes went wide with shock and possibly even excitement. "Are you serious? You don't have to do that. We can always reschedule."

I gave a reassuring smile before giving her a nod. "Yeah. Besides, I kinda miss Amora."

Kitty hugged me quickly. "Thank you! You are awesome!"

"It's no problem. Really." I jumped off the couch and made my way to my bedroom. As I did, I decided to tease Kitty a little. "Besides, on the way to the center, you can reward me by giving me details about you and your new girlfriend." I smirked looking back at Kitty. I caught her face burning red hot. You could tell she wasn't ready for the unexpected request.

"She's not my girlfriend! We are just fooling around! Simple!" Kitty yelled after me. I giggled to myself as I disappeared into my bedroom to change and to think of what Amora and I could do for the weekend.

Making a Difference ~Book 2 of The Difference Series~ [BWWM] (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now