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This chapter is dedicated to
tostsi - Welcome to the hopeless romantic family!
numanariver - Welcome to the hopeless romantic family!

A/N: Sorry for the day late update. Was celebrating my birthday week and my sister birthday week

I sat at my desk trying to focus on my work, but it was hard to do. My mind kept drifting to Leo. The truth was, I kinda of missed him. I knew all I had to do was pick up my phone and call him, but I felt like I couldn't bring myself to do that yet. Sure, it had been several days since I had talked to him, but I was still confused on the matter. I still couldn't bring myself to forgive him for helping Kandy. After all, Nikita was hurt behind his decision.

"Hey, Louise. There's another rose for you," a familiar voice spoke. I turned in my chair to face the woman who held the rose with a card attached to it.

"Thanks, Amy," I replied softly. I took the rose from her already having an idea what it said since I already knew who it came from. Leo had started sending me roses with apologizes on them when I refused to answer his calls or texts.

I took the card off the rose and read it. "Rose 5: One rose for every day we have not talked. I'm sorry for not telling you. I just want a chance to explain. I don't want to lose you," I read in a low tone.

"You're so lucky," Amy cooed. I looked up at her when she said this because it was words of encouragement even if she didn't realize it. I wanted to believe Leo was a good guy, but him withholding that big secret from me had me thinking otherwise. "I wish I could have someone who was that sweet to me." She looked over at Chad as she said that. Her face looked flushed as her eyes quickly dropped to the floor. I smiled softly because it was apparent that she had a crush on him and he hadn't noticed. I wondered if Chad was right for her. Than I realized it wasn't my decision to make. For the most part, he was truly a nice guy.

"Do you like him?" I asked. Her focus quickly met mine as I smiled softly. Amy didn't return the gesture though. I feared I had touched a touchy subject as the seconds of silence between us ticked away before she finally broke it.

"Yes," was all she said as her eyes dropped. I was almost certain I saw a hint of pink her cheeks, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure.

Amy sort of reminded me of me as she tried to hide her feelings away deep inside her. I wondered what was her story. "It's obvious you like him. Why not tell him how you feel." Amy didn't say a word so I pressed on. "If you don't, you'll always wonder. Who knows, he may be your special someone." I told her. As the words left my lips, I noticed I had repeated the same advice my friend had given me only a few days ago. I knew she was right and I had to give Leo a chance to at least explain his side. Even if it hurt.

Amy's eyes met mine once again as the silence grew between us. She stood up straighter as she held her head up high. "Maybe it's better that way," she said. Her posture said how much she believed this, but something in her eyes told me she doubted that statement. I caught a glimpse of a tear as she turned on her heel to leave.

I was speechless at first, but quickly got up from my chair to follow her in the bathroom. I felt bad for pushing her and wanted to apologize. In the bathroom, Amy stood in front of a sink splashing her face with some water. I figured it was a tactic to hide the tears that had threaten to show earlier. As the door shut behind me, Amy stood up slightly and saw me standing behind her in the mirror. She sighed as she took a few paper towels to dry her face. "I'm sorry for pushing. I should have left it alone," I apologized.

Amy turned to face me and shook her head softly. "It wasn't you. I just figure it's better not to know. I have a feeling he wouldn't go for a girl like me anyway," she replied. She sarcastically laughed at the statement.

My eyebrows drew together. "Why do you think that?"

"Look at me. I'm not pretty."

I stood there dumbfounded. Was she joking right now. She was gorgeous and I wondered how she didn't see it. "Amy," I said making my way over to her. "Look at yourself," I told her as I turned her around in the mirror so she could get a clear look. "You're gorgeous. Why would you think otherwise?"

She took a deep breath looking at her reflection for a few seconds before speaking up. "I was engaged to my high school sweetheart. My first love. My first everything to be exact. I thought we were in love. We had been together for years. After we graduated, we got an apartment together. Shortly after, I fell pregnant. I was so excited to have a family with him. He convinced me, however to go get an abortion." Amy snorted. "I was so stupid and in love. I would have done anything for that man. Excuse me. Boy. Still, it took a while for him to convince me to do it. After I did, however, he stopped noticing me. He rarely looked at me or touched me. He rarely was home at all. I tried to get his attention by dressing in skimpy clothes and doing romantic dinners, but he always had an excuse not to go through with it. Than, one night while he slept, I went through his phone and found a picture of a girl who he was texting. From the contact photo, it showed she was gorgeous and thin." Amy took a breathier before continuing. "I woke up after that realizing I had a little baby weight still. So, I tried to lose weight for him, but it was too late. A month later, he came home and told me things weren't going to work out and he was leaving me for her. When I tried to ask him how to make this work between us, he told me I wasn't pretty enough for him anymore." A tear rolled down Amy's cheek as she looked down into the sink as she held onto it for support.

My heart rapidly raced in my chest as it tried to go out for her. I took her hands into my own as we made eye contact. "I'm sorry, Amy. You didn't deserve that. However, you can't keep holding on to the past or you're letting him win. You may not want to hear this, but when one door closes, a window opens. Nothing will bring your baby back, but your ex leaving you just means he wasn't the one for you and he made room for your true soulmate. It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it. That's love for you."

"You're right," Amy said in a lower tone. I smiled before taking her hand and leading the way. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," was the only thing I would tell her as I lead her out the bathroom. I zeroed in on Chad as I lead her to him. "Hey Chad." He turned around and frowned at me. He had again been avoiding me seeing as I hadn't given him the chance he had desired. So seeing me probably wasn't the top of his list. I let go Amy's hand and held mine to the side to introduce her. "This is Amy," I rushed to say. "She really likes you and would like to get to know you." I folded my hands together smiling.

Chad grinned and changed his focus to Amy. "Is that true?"

She stood there frozen for a second. I gave her a light jab with my elbow. "Yes," she responded before softly smile.

"Well than, why don't I take you out tonight?" he asked. "Say around 7."

I was afraid Amy's cheeks would break from how hard she was smiling now. I could read the excitement on her face. It was very clear. "That sounds like a plan."

I took this as my cue to walk away to leave them at it. It was clear Amy had gotten her answer. Now It was my turn. I walked outside to make a phone call. As the phone rang, my heart raced hoping I wouldn't regret my decision. It was about time I knew the explanation although. It was killing me not knowing. "I'm so glad you called, Louise," Leo said. I could hear the relief in his voice.

"We need to talk," I responded. It was time to get the answers I needed. 

Making a Difference ~Book 2 of The Difference Series~ [BWWM] (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now