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"Leo and Louise sitting in the tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes the baby, then comes love, then comes the marriage to complete the family," Kitty sang trying to contain her laughter. A huge smile was plastered on her face as she sat on the couch near me with near me with her legs crossed.

I sat there stunned for a few moments. Did she just literally change the lyrics around to try to fit my situation? I shook the thought from my mind quickly. There was no way we would fall in love nor would we ever be a family. "Shut it," I hissed. "We aren't going to fall in love. I just went out with him to get my flash drive back. Besides, it was a good chance to learn more about the man who is going to be in my baby's life. I don't want to be sending them off with a total stranger," I explained. I had no clue why I was trying to justify my actions.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, amiga." Kitty chuckled. I took a deep breath about to try to further defend myself when my phone came to life singing it's default ringer. I looked at my phone on the coffee table and confirmed it was someone I didn't know when it was only a number with no name listed. "Is that lover boy?" Kitty continued to joke around with me.

I rolled my eyes. "No. It's an unknown number."

I retrieved my phone off the coffee table. "Then don't answer it," Kitty hissed.

Her words fell on death ears as I answered the phone and placed it on my ear. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Louise?" a voice asked. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put a finger on it.

"Who is this?"

"It's me, Tai," she responded.

I was speechless for all of a few seconds. Then a question scattered across my mind. "How did you get my number?"

"Well good morning to you too," she snorted sarcastically. While I waited for her to answer my question, I looked up to find Kitty lost in her phone. "Leo wanted me to call you instead. He thought you'd be more likely to answer my call then his own."

I silently agreed to myself after thinking about it for a moment. Leo was probably right. He hadn't been in my plans today. He was nowhere on my radar today. "And what pray tell does he want?"

This caught Kitty's attention as her eyes darted up from her eyes and met mine. "It's not really him who wants anything. It's Amora. She wanted me to call you to see if you were still taking her shopping for an outfit."

My heart instantly dropped as I heard the words. Sadness filled my chest for the girl. It showed how much disappointment this girl has had to consume. "Of course I am still taking her out today. I wouldn't miss out on a girls day," I stated giving a soft smile as if Amora could hear or see me.

"Great. What's your address so I can drop her off for a visit?" Tai asked.

My mouth grew dry. "I can just head over and pick her up now," I stated trying to dodge giving up my address.

Tai wasn't having it though. "Unfortunately, you'll need a supervisor to go along since you haven't been cleared."

I swallowed feeling stuck in a rock and a hard space deciding to stop trying to dance over what needed to happen. "I will text you the address then. See you in a bit." I ended the call and went to send Tai my address.

"What's going on?" Kitty asked just as I pressed send. We locked eyes once again.

"Tai is on the way here so Amora and I can have a girls day."

Later that day, there was a knock on the door as I was brushing my hair. "Can you get the door?" I called out to Kitty since I was finishing up to spend time with Amora.

Making a Difference ~Book 2 of The Difference Series~ [BWWM] (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now