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A/N: Sorry for the late post. I've been dealing with getting a home study so I can adopt and on top of that I had got four teeth pulled, so I was feeling sick afterwards. Thanks for the patience and understanding!

"So how did things go with Leo?" Kitty asked as I closed the car door after climbing into the passenger seat. I looked over to catch a smile crossing her face as she turned the engine on before exiting the parking spot.

"You left me in between a rock and hard spot back there," I hissed.

Kitty chuckled a little bit keeping her eyes forward on the road. Although she was a rebel who didn't follow the rules, she didn't play when it came to safety while driving. "I'm sorry, Louise. I honestly, didn't know he was the father. But, it was bound to come out sooner or later."

I sighed as I leaned my head back on the seat letting her words sink in. The truth was, I knew she was right, but it was far from what I wanted to believe. Men figured out the truth all the time. Sometimes right away. Sometimes not until the child is much older. "Maybe, you're right," I mumbled still not wanting to admit the truth.

"I think you should give him a chance," Kitty repeated the same line from earlier as if she was a broken record. I sighed figuring I had no choice in the matter when it came to the baby, but I did when it came to dating and I said I was done with it.

"I'll think about it," I replied being on the fence on my decision. I had decided to let him play a part in the pregnancy to prove if he actually wants to be in the child's life. The first time he becomes Houdini and disappears only to reappear weeks down the line, I'll cut him off. I won't let him hurt my baby by bouncing in out of their life when he chose to be.

Kitty dropped me off at my place. I literally couldn't put my key in the lock fast enough to spill inside my comfort zone. Sinking into the couch was a relief as I kicked off my shoes. I closed my eyes trying to think of how I had ended getting myself into this when my ringer went off.

Of course, when I looked at the phone number, I was confused as ever. It didn't look familiar. Usually, I'd let it go to voicemail. Instead, I went ahead and answer the phone. "Hey, this is Louise listening. Who is this?"

A few second pause came before an answer came from the other end. "Don't say you forgot me already."

I swallowed hard as I immediately recognized the voice to belong to Leo. "How did you get my number?" I hissed. My mind went quickly to Kitty and I wanted to strangle her.

"My brother, Ben gave it to me." His words put me at ease with Kitty, but only brought up a brand new question. What had he said to his brother to make him give my number out without even asking me first? I figured he had a bit more respect to ask me first before passing out my number like Halloween candy.

"Why?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

"Because I told him you left something behind and I wanted to get it back to you." I drew quiet trying to think what on Earth I was stupid enough to leave behind this time. I was an obvious klutz and my memory wasn't good either. "If you think about it, it's like Cinderella. Princess leaves something behind and the prince goes and tracks her down," he said with a light laugh carried behind. I was speechless because it was the second time this year I was compared to Cinderella. I was nothing like her.

"What was it I left behind?" I asked ignoring the comment he had made trying to keep our relationship at acquaintances without being mean to him. He honestly hadn't done anything wrong to me. I just was playing it safe. Based on all I had been through with previous guys leading up to this point, could you honestly blame me?

"Well Cinderella," Leo continued the teasing. I could almost hear him smirking on the other end. I rolled my eyes. "It seems you left your slipper behind. So when can I come over to ensure it's you, my princess."

I smirked as he kept the joke rolling. He was trying to get on my good side by using humor. I held back the laugh although. "Very funny. I happen to know I came home with both shoes so you couldn't find me." Leo broke out into laughter. "What was it really?"

Leo let his laughter die down quickly before finally given me a real answer. "Your flash drive."

I could feel the color drain from my face as I looked at my keys to confirm if he was telling the truth. To my disbelief, he was indeed. I was rattled on how this even happened. "How did I-"

"The bus boy was cleaning your table and, when he got around to sweeping, he swept up our flash drive. Thanks to you writing your name on it, I was able to claim it." I could only picture his smug grin. When I got up they key ring must have gotten stuck on my chair and pulled the ring apart until it slipped off.

"Why would they give you my flash drive?" I asked trying to figure out how he pulled this off. I fell back on the couch to stretch my body out. One leg crossed over the next as I looked up at the ceiling.

"I told them you were my girlfriend and I would just give it back to you when we saw each other."

I exhaled heavily as I clenched the phone tightly. He was really pushing this. "I'm not your girlfriend." I reassured.

"Not yet." Leo was a cocky guy surely.

I paused a second so I wouldn't be rude when replying back. When I came up blank on what to say, I decided to change the subject as my eyes slid shut. "Do you have a pen and paper?"

"For what?"

"To write down my address so you can mail me it back."


My eyes shot open as I withdrew the phone from my face to look at it with confusion before placing it back to my ear. "No what?"

"I'm not mailing it to you."

I sighed heavily. "Well, how about you drop it off at my job," I said trying to dance around having to spend more time then necessary.


I groaned. He was making this harder than it needed it to be honestly. "Then what do you purpose?"

"How about, I'll come pick you up from work Friday after work and I take you out for dinner so we can have a long overdue talk with each other. Then I can give you the flash drive then."

I sighed heavily. Why was he so determined to be with me? He knew very little about me and we had slept together once. So far, all we had in common was the baby. "Leo, I've already told you if you want to be in the baby's life, fine, but there's nothing between us and never will be. I'm sorry."

I swallowed hard as I listened to the other end grow quiet for a few seconds. "Well, being in the baby's life requires co-parenting. Co-parenting means us actually talking on a regular basis."

Leo's words sunk in as I realized he was right. Why did he have to be right? "You can pick me up at my job Friday at six. The address is 5741 Broadway Avenue." My mouth felt dry as I gave him the address because it was becoming more obvious we were going to be spending more time together then I had planned on. So far, things were going South.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, Love," Leo replied. I could hear him smiling on the other end. I ended up hanging up without evening saying goodbye. I exhaled heavily as I curled up on the couch feeling exhausted. My eyes slid shut and, without meaning to, I nodded off. 

Making a Difference ~Book 2 of The Difference Series~ [BWWM] (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now