I know I'm a failure
I know I'm a disappointment
I know I'm annoying
I know I'm an attention seeker
I know I make others feel bad for me
I know I fake my feelings
I know why my friends hang out with me
I know why you talk to me out of pity
I know I talk about my problems too much
I know what everyone thinks about me
I know I'm not the prettiest person
I know I'm not skinny
I know I'm a show off
I know I try too hard
I know why people don't talk to me
I know how I look to you
I know I'm not worth love
I know I'm not worth living
I know I don't deserve a significant other
I know why no one has dated me
I'm sorry
I'm ugly
I'm sorry
I can't be normal
I'm sorry
I can't be happy
I'm sorry
No one understands me
I'm sorry
I can't agree with you
I'm sorry
I'm so needy
I'm sorry
I'm the way I am
PoesiaSo this is just basically some poems that I write when Im feeling sad/angry/depressed etc. I've been told that i should share my poems to people, so this is my attempt to share them, hope you enjoy :)!