
19 3 0

I can't deal anymore
He's gone
He's forever gone
He's dead
I can never talk to him
I'll never get to ask him questions
Why did he decide to leave me behind
Why did he choose her
I was so young
Why did he choose to abandon me
Why did he make so many bad decisions
Why can't he be here
I want him here
I hate him
I love him
I don't know how I feel for him
Now I'm just sitting here
Fighting with myself
I don't know how to cope with this
My mind is full of arguments
I can't let them out
They're right against the top,
About to make my head burst open
He left me
He knows what he did
He was scared I would blame myself
And I do
And it is my fault
I should've never been born
I'm just an idiot
A dumb fat idiot.
I want to just cry
And yell
And scream
And hug someone

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