chapter 13

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8 days later

"loren listen, i know it's not the way you think it should go but that's my daughter he has!" i exclaimed

she groaned, "but that's his daughter too!"

i was taken aback, i got up from the kitchen table and stormed upstairs to my room.

"y/n, where are you going" she followed me

i ignored her and walked in my room, grabbing my suitcase from my closet and sticking clothes in it.

"no" she grabbed my arm, stopping me. "loren let go of me, i'm going to russia and that's final" i turned around and faced her.

"will you just listen to me! he will protect that kid with everything he has, he will make sure nobody lays a fingertip or even get near the kid! that's his daughter, and i know you want her back but give him time to be with her. trust me, you don't have anything to worry about" she breathed out.

i was puzzled, "why the hell are you defending him so much? do you love him or something?" i asked

the color drained from her face, "no. i don't love him but he's a good friend which is why i'd defend him."

i got a weird feeling from that, but just ignored it bc i cant think of her having feelings for joey.

it's crazy how everything got so fucked up in a matter of time.

lexi came back, joey and her hooked up again, joey got shot and almost died, i got pregnant in the hospital, i kept my pregnancy a secret from joey for 5 months, i had the baby, me and joey got together, charles confessed his love, joey killed a guy, lexi kidnapped kashius, joey went back to lexi and she gave me kash back, joey disappeared with her, i found out i was pregnant, i found out joey was in a gang, he came back to new york and saw kash, i had a complication and had the baby, he told me he doesn't love me anymore, he took the baby with him back to russia and now i'm going to russia.

it's all just so fucking crazy.

"my flight leaves in 4 hours and the airport is 1 hour away. give me some damn space so i can pack and leave" i huffed and she left, making sure to slam the door.

my eyes got watery but i rapidly blinked to keep them from coming out, this is all so damn stressful.


i had alec put my bags in the trunk while i grabbed some last minute things to stick in a small backpack.

i finished and went downstairs to see loren sitting on the couch watching a movie, i wanted to tell her something but instead i walked out and closed the door.

i texted jen telling her to take care of kash for a couple days since i would be out of town for a few days due to business.

i got in and alec drove off to the airport, i stared out the window as we passed by all the houses.

how people would be smiling, kids enjoying the snow and just enjoying their time being young.

i dozed off and started thinking of natalia and kash, imagining natalia being 4 and kash being 7 playing snowballs in the backyard while me and joey watched them.

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