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Mark's Pov

"How was the trip?" Sean asked walking into the kitchen.

"Fun, it was so nice to see Amy smiling every day, do you have any news on that dream?"

"Yes. She was paid by Jorden to kidnap her, but she wasn't able to do it because she didn't want to touch her with no clothes on."

"Why can't Jorden go away?"

"Working on that."

"Working on what?" Amy asked walking in.

"A surprise," Sean said taking a sip of coffee.

"That is not always a good thing."

"Well, I have a good surprise for you today but before we go I want to make sure you are going to be okay with it."


"Kenny said you like to do anything that is art, is that true?"

"Yeah, I am not as good anymore with the lack of arm movement."

"So, if I took you today to do some form of art you will have fun?"

"Of course."

"Well, then we better get going."

I got Chica vested up as she got her shoes on then we headed out.

"Sean, you're not coming?" Amy asked winding the window down.

"Nah, I got too much to do right now."

"See you later!" She waved at him as he got into his car.

"He will be over later, he wants to see your artwork."

"That's nice of him."

When we pulled into the parking lot Amy's eyes were glued out of the window.


"If you don't like it we can go somewhere else." I panicked.

"I always wanted to try pottery! But it requires a lot of hand movements." She looked at me.

"I can help you."

We got out of the car and walked into the building, Amy was looking at everything wide-eyed.

"Hello! Welcome, do you guys have an appointment?" A perky male said behind the counter.

"Yes, Fischbach," I said.

"Ah yes, you guys are right on time, my name is Phillip, please follow me please."

We followed him to our smocks then to our stations.

"So today we are going to make a few different items a few different ways, we are going to start with something easy, a bowl! On your stations is a lump of clay."

Phillip was showing us how to take this lump and form it into a bowl with our hands. Amy's came out better than mine but that is okay. She is having so much fun.

"I snuck your guy's bowls into the other classes fire, so while your bowls are in the fire for the first time we are going to make a vase on the wheel!" Phillip took us to our wheels.

"Chica, you are being so good while we are doing this!" Amy said as Chica lied next to her.

Phillip showed us how to make a dip in the top of the vase, he made it look very easy.

"My vase keeps collapsing," Amy said stopping her wheel.

"That's okay," I said stopping mine.

"I think it is because my hands are starting to hurt." She said very low.

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