Chapter 2 - Dragon Training?!

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Hello minna I know this is coming out fast, it's because I already typed a couple chapters lol. So here I bring you chapter 2! Hope you like this chapter it's gonna be better I hope so. Anyway here is chapter 2

Lucy's POV

I saw the dragon and the girl. They we're talking like they do it everyday. I unconsciously started walking toward them. Then the dragon stopped talking and looked at me. Fear went all the way down to my toes to the top of my head. I was shaking so much I could barley stand.

"Who dares come near" the dragon said.

Wait that dragon just spoke to me. Well I am going crazy I guess. But I responded anyway.

"I am Lucy...Lucy Heartfilia...of...F-" I stopped I'm not part of Fairy Tail anymore,

"Lucy Heartfilia, why are you here you should go home" the dragon responded.

"Well you see I don't have a home I left to train in the middle of the forest" I replied, I held on to my keys incase the dragon or the girl were to attack me.

"Please Lucy do not consider me an enemy put your hand away from your celestrial keys" the dragon said.

I slowly put my hand down and asked the dragon "Well what's your name?"

"I am Lolix the water dragon, and this is Lolo" Lolix said pointing at the girl.

"Oh hi Lolix, Lolo" I greeted them.

"Lucy why did you leave your home to train did something happen"Lolix asked me.

"Well yea I was apart of Fairy Tail but I left because they hurt me and caused me pain, they called me weak so I came here to make myself and my spirits stronger" I told her.

"Oh well how many spirits can you summon at once" she questioned.

"Only two I'm training to summon three" I excitedly said.

"Two? That is not weak, I can feel much power in you Lucy you have much potential" she told me.

"Umm Lucy-San maybe you can train here with us I won't mind neither will Lolix we can train together to become stronger I felt the same pain I was kicked out SaberTooth because I was weak but then I found Lolix maybe we can train to get revenge together" Lolo spoke up.

Lolo seemed so sweet her voice was beautiful. She was probably the same age as me if not maybe a year younger.

"Sure" I smiled at her.

Two years later (still Lucy's POV)

I have been training with Lo she is getting strong as am I. Lolix called a different dragon for me, Timry Timer he is the time dragon. Lolix and Timry are teaching me and Lo many things. I wonder what is going on at Fairy Tail right now.

At the guild (no ones POV)

The guild wasn't as noisy as it always was. They felt as if something or someone was missing.

"Listen up you brats I got something to say" Master M said as he exited his office.

"What is it master" Erza asked.

She already knew. Everyone who got a personal letter from Lucy who included Levy, Gajeel, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Romeo, Mira, Lisanna, Master, and the exceeds. They all knew what he was going to announce, that Lucy was gone. They were all so sad. So sad that Gray wouldn't even fight Natsu. Shocker right!

"Well I am here to tell you that Lucy Heartfilia is no longer apart of Fairy Tail" master said.

"What why isn't she!" Natsu jumped up right away.

There were whispers about why she left and when.

"The sad thing is though" master continued "is that she left.............TWO YEARS AGO" master scolded them.

They all flinched. Natsu was frozen. His best friend his Nakama left the guild that he brought her to. The one she wanted to join forever. The one were he............... Fell in love with her.

"What but...but...Luce" Natsu stuttered.

"And she left a letter and I will read it...

Dear Fairy Tail,

Were you surprised! I bet you didn't even notice I was gone. Well yes I was! I only left because of all the pain you all caused me. Especially you Natsu. You all betrayed a nakama. What about everything that you guys said. About being family and always protecting each other! Was that all fake! Did you not care one bit about me! Was I just the girl that filled the void that Lisanna left when she supposedly died! Even Lisanna treated me better then you guys! Well I left and I will get revenge. When I come back I won't be know as Lucy of Fairy Tail, the weak celestrial wizard, or Lucky Lucy, I will be know as Lucy The Fallen Fairy! I will make you all suffer for what you did. And I will laugh it up in your face. The only true nakama I had were Levy, Gajeel, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Romeo, Mira, Lisanna, Gramps, and the exceeds. Those are my true friends. The ones who never forgot about me. The ones I trust as of now. I will be back stronger then ever!!!

Yours truly,

Lucy The Fallen Fairy.

Everyone was frozen in shock. They didn't know what to say.

"How do you all feel now brats" master scolded them.

"IM GOING AFTER HER. I WILL BRING LUCE BACK" Natsu yelled tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Luce I really really am. I miss you. I...I loved you. Please come back" Natsu whispered to himself.

He ran out the guild doors to search for Lucy The Fallen Fairy.

"LUCYYYYY" he yelled.

Back to Lucy

I was with Timry training.

"Time reverse" I said as the time reversed to a couple seconds ago.

"Good job Lucy your getting stronger" Ti told me.

"Hey Lo let's take a break and go for a walk ok" I asked her.

"Sure" she agreed.

We started walking in the forest. We needed more food so we were walking toward town. Then I sensed a presence.

"Who are you show your self" I commanded.

Who's this person I sense!


Thanks for reading this. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Was it good or not. Who was the person at the end. A friend or a foe. Stay tuned for more ok. Any way bye bye!


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