Chapter 5 - Training Finished!

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Hello minna! Hope you enjoy this chapter! And I decided that this will defiantly be a NaLu. I wasn't sure at the start but now I'm like 99.9% sure. The other 0.01% of me wants to do something else. But WHO CARES! Anyway on to chapter 5!

Lucy's POV

5 years later

I finally finished all my training. I mastered all of the elements. I could change my appearance according to what element I use. Lo and Cy could only master three. Cy learned Ice, Time, and Fire, while Lo learned Water, Time, and Light. If they tried more they would waste there magic energy. But I, I could master them all. Timry said that only once in a human lifetime was a Mage able to master them all. They said they waited for the chosen dragon slayer to come along. And when Lix met me she practically knew right away because of the potential inside of me waiting to be released. When you mastered all of them you unlocked a ability to use them all at once. It was called the Universal Dragon. I wanted to meet the universal dragon. People said that it was a beautiful woman that sparkled like nothing ever before.

"Hey Tai c'mon let's go we have to go to Magnolia today remember" Cy called after me.

"Yea wait let me get dressed up first" I yelled back.

After changing to my Time form and putting on a black sleeveless dress that stopped right after my knees and putting on black tights. I put on black boots too. I went up to the three dragons next to Cy and Lo.

"So today's the day we leave you. It's July 7 so it's time for us to go" Ti started out.

"Yes, but here" Cyan handed us a key each.

"Those will let you call us when you need something" Lix finished for him.

"Thank you so much we will miss you" Cy said holding back tears.

"Bye thanks for everything" I hugged Ti.

"Bye bye I'm gonna miss you so much Lolix" Lo hugged Lix.

"Cya some time" Cy hugged Cyan.

"Bye" the three dragons said.

Then we left the cave out to Magnolia. We put on cloaks and was walking through town. Then while I was daydreaming I bumped into someone.

"Sorry I was not paying attention" said a strong womanly voice.

I recognized the voice to be the owner of Titania.

"It's fine I was also daydreaming" I responded.

"Wait Lucy is that you you sound so much like her" Titania said amazed.

"My name is not Lucy-" I got off by Gray.

"Well if your not Lucy how come Flame-Brain over here smells Lucy" Gray raised an eyebrow.

"Well we know your not Lucy of Fairy Tail, the weak Celetrial Mage, or Lucky Lucy, we know you are Lucy the Fallen Fairy" Titania spoke.

Oh how tempting it was to hug them and say that I missed them but I couldn't I was strong now and they betrayed a nakama! So I must act like I don't know what they are talking about.

"Well like I said I'm not Lucy the Fallen Fairy my name is Taimi" I replied emotionless.

"Tai? Didn't I meet you before like 5 years ago!" Natsu excitedly said.

"Yea" I said still emotionless, like always because emotion was ripped out my heart.

"Well nice to meet you again" he did his goofy grin.

"You met this person before" Titania glares at Natsu.

"Aye we met her looking for Lushee, she smelt like Lushee so we talked to her for a bit" Happy responded to Titania.

"Oh" she said.

"Well anyway I must be on my way ok" I told them.

"Wait Tai! Can you please help us find Luce. I really want to find her. The guild has been looking ever since we noticed she was gone" he offered.

My eyes widened. They have been looking for me ever since then!? That means they have been searching for at least 6 years. Then I felt sympathy for them. My eyes softened and for the first time in years I showed emotion even if it was a little. I can't believe they are still looking for me even though that was like 6 years ago.

Cyana's POV (haha wasn't expecting this were you :P)

I saw Tai's eyes soften. I almost jumped at her and and cried. But I resisted from doing so. Her eyes looked so soft and they showed at least a bit of emotion. But why was my question. Did these people have something to do with her past. Tai won't tell me anything about her past. She only says 'it's not important! That was the past, it's different now!' I really wanna know what's up with her. I sometimes ask Lo but being the loyal person she is she just says 'gomen but Tai-neesan said I couldn't say anything about her past.' I get super frustrated but maybe she just doesn't want to talk about it. I never talk about my past so I avoid giving her any idea about that. I looked at her she was staring at Natsu... Did she like him! Oh oh she likes him doesn't she! I looked at Lo, and she looked at me. We gave each other the look.

"Hey Tai how about you and Natsu go talk over dinner or something while Lo and I talk to his friends!" I puppy dog eyed her.

"Fine whatever c'mon Natsu" she said her eyes going back to there emotionless purple color.

"Ok oh and Tai do you mind if I call you Luce please" he said.

I looked at pinky and I saw that his hair wasn't the only pink thing...his face was too he liked her back didn't he!

"Sure whatever" she rolled her eyes in denial~!

Lucy's POV

Why would Cy offer something like that. Well whatever.

"Ok oh and Tai so you mind if I call you Luce please" he said.

He looked at me and I coulda swore I saw him blush but I'll let that slide.

"Sure whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Ok let's go Luce" he did his cheeky smile.

I wanted to melt at the mention of my name and that smile. He was perfect! No I can't think like that. He broke my heart! But he was looking for me and he didn't give up even now after 6 whole years! Oh well that doesn't matter one bit!

"So Luce I wish you were really her" he said a frown forming on his face.

"Well can't you pretend I'm her" I offered.

"You don't look like her though" he put his finger on his chin.

"Well I can change my appearance so if you like described her or something then maybe I could change into her" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok" he handed me a picture of myself.

Does he always carry a picture of me. Well any way I looked at the picture and concentrated. Then poof I was Lucy.

"Wow you look just like Luce now" he said.

He looked like he was gonna cry. Natsu kept on staring at me. I felt uncomfortable so I spoke up.

"Can you please stop staring at me" I said very annoyed.

"Sorry it's just that...Luce" I could barley hear the last word but I got it.

That's it I was about to crack and break out in tears. But someone walked in. I could smell evil radiating off this person. Who is this?!


Arigato for reading this! And who do you think was that mystery person at the end? Stay tuned for more Never Forgive Fairy Tail! Anyway bye bye!


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