Chapter 6 - Possesed?!

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Hi minna! Arigato to everyone who likes this :3. I love writing. When I wrote a hand written story my friends and family really liked it so I decided to see what other people would think about my stories! Anyway on to chapter 6!

Lucy's POV

I saw the person walk in. I could sense the evil radiating off them. I eyed them. Everyone did like his was there master or something.

Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE HATE!

Hate? Why hate? Wait what am I talking about who are you show yourself.

Y o u H a t e H i m D o n t y o u ?

Who? Who do I hate?! Natsu? I guess I do.

B u t Y o u L o v e H i m A t T h e S a m e T i m e R i g h t ?

What I... I guess I do don't I.

K i l l H i m H e H a t e s Y o u ! H e C a l l e d Y o u W e a k R e m e m b e r ?


Kill him


Kill Him



NOOOO!!! I can't...I...w..will...never!

Y o u W i l l D o A s I S a y !

No why am I slowly falling asleep

"" I said before falling asleep

Time skip (30 Minutes Later )

I woke up in a dark room where am I. I saw a dim light. When my eyes got adjusted to the dim light I saw a figure in front of me. I tried to move but my hands were chained up against the wall. I looked at the mysterious figure. He wasn't moving or nothing. I traded to open my month but no words came out. What was happening!

What's happening is that I captured you!

What who are you?

I am the voice from before.

Oh....where are you, where am I!

I'm in front of you and you are in my castle!

Well let me out of here!

No I'm here to help you. All that negative energy in you will be turned to magic power and you will get revenge. That is what you want is it not?

Well yes but I'll handle that on my own that's what I trained 8 years for!

My my, you have barley scratched the surface of all the power within you. With me you will unlock your Real powers.

Oh well I don't need your stupid help my friends will come save me!

Who Lolo and Cyana? They will never find you here.

Oh well I will get outta here!

Well if you insist I will let you out. But I warning you that you will suffer without me!

Let me go!

Fine! But you'll regret it!

He then let me go I ran toward the shop were Natsu and I were. I have to see if he's okay. I was running when I tripped over the sidewalk.

"..ce....uce...Luce wake up are you okay! Luce!" I heard someone shout.

"Huh what happened" I woke up. I was gonna get up when I stopped because Natsu's face was no more then a inch away from mine.

"Are you okay" he cupped my chin.

He turned it left to right looking for bruises.

"I...I'm fine" I stuttered.

"Good" he hugged me.

I was hesitant but hugged back, "yea I'm fine."

I kept thinking about what that guy said. I will suffer without him? Now I'm worried.

"Oh and sorry for calling you Luce you still look like her" he smiled.

I smiled back and turned to my time form. I saw Cy smirking at me.'Youuuuuu liiiiiiiike hiiiiiimm' she mouthed. 'I do not' I mouthed back. She looked at me with a suureeee look. I tried to get up but failed.

"Oh yea you sprang your ankle so you can't walk but don't worry I'll carry you!" He smiled at me.

I blushed when he picked me up bridal style and carried me.

"Where you wanna go" he asked.

"Well I have no home I left the cave because I'm done with training" I told him.

"How about I take you to Fairy Tail I bet you'll love them!" He said excitedly.

I do love them, more then you'll ever know. When we arrived at Fairy Tail he put me down and put my arm around his shoulder.

"IM BACK EVERYONE" Natsu yelled when we walked in.

He got a couple hi's and I got welcome's.

"So Natsu got another girl off the street! She not gonna end up like the last one right?" Macao asked. Everyone looked so much older.

"No I just brought her here because she got hurt" she pointed at my ankle.

Wendy came into the room. She defiantly grew in more then one area if you know what I mean 😏. By now she was 20. She now was 5'11 and her hair reached her waist. It was loose and still blue. She had on a blue sleeveless shirt with a diamond pattern. She had mid-thigh long shorts with sparkly blue sandals.

"Hello I'm Wendy Marvell nice to meet you and your name is" she was still as polite as ever.

"I'm Taimi Time but call me Tai ok Wendy" I smiled at her.

"Ok Tai-San" she smiled back.

Still so adorable! And kawaii~! Everyone greeted me. I was happy to be back in Fairy Tail! They made me smile.


Arigato for reading minna-San! Hope you liked this chapter. Wow everyone grew especially Wendy. Her melons grew xD lol! Stay tuned for more. Anyway bye bye!


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