24 | ❛ Calling in the Troops ❜

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❛ I guess we never told her ❜ 

Blair Sprouse wasn't okay and she never had truly been okay

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Blair Sprouse wasn't okay and she never had truly been okay. Tom Holland saw what the rest of the world saw when he met her. He saw a beautiful girl inside and out. He saw a real smile that reflected to the entire world surrounding her. He saw a caring personality that motivate people all around. 

That wasn't who Blair Sprouse was.

She was a shell of a girl who had cried so hard on the inside that she had nothing left to cry on the inside - until she had showed Tom her true self. When Blair looked at herself in the mirror she saw fear. The fear that she would mess up. The fear that no one would accept her if she wasn't a Sprouse. The fear that she would never live up to her expectations.

She was tired of that fear consuming her but she had no clue where to start. 

That's why Tom made the first move to get her real help and help her overcome the stress that slowly ate at her little by little.

One his one day off of very few, he held a small paper in one hand with a phone number scribbled in careless writing. In his other hand was his phone, his fingers working carefully to press each number written on the scrap of paper. He sighed as his finger loomed over the call button and for a second he wondered if he should really do this or if he should just see if he could help Blair on his own.

But that split second of doubt only lasted for exactly that as he took the leap off the cliff and lifted his phone to his ear. He heard the ringing from the other line and he began walking around his trailer while biting his lip in anticipation. 

As the phone continued to ring he found himself hopping on his kitchen counter and spinning around with his knees pulls to his chest.

Finally, the line clicked and a voice answered on the other line, "Hello?"

Tom smiled and silently cheered to himself while pumping his hands in the air as he heard the familiar voice on the other end, "Hi," he responded, running a hand through his hair as he slid off the countertop. "This is Tom."

There was a shuffling heard on the other line and the familiar, tired voice returned. "Tom? Like, my sister's boyfriend... Tom?"

Tom grinned, his cheeks heating up at the mention of being called 'boyfriend.' "We aren't actually dating, but, yes. That Tom."

The other person chuckled and Tom was relived that he wasn't instantly hung up on. "Who gave you this number, anyways?"

"I forced it out of Francesca," Tom admitted. "Well... actually Ross forced it out of her to give to me, they came to set yesterday," he explained with a simple shrug of his shoulders. "What a surprise," the other person laughed. "Did you need something from me, or is this a call to ask me about my sister? How is she, by the way?"

"Blair's... okay, I guess," Tom hesitated. "What happened? Is she taking her meds? Her OCD isn't really severe but medications definitely help to - " Tom cut the person off with a statement, "She had an anxiety attack, Cole."

The line went silent on the other end and Tom anticipated the response, especially after finding out that she had OCD, most likely a factor of her desperation to be absolutely perfect. Though Tom knew that it wasn't what led to her breakdown. "W-Why?"

"She messed up this line and when I found her she was in the middle of just constant... I don't really know. She poured out all this stress and anxiety about how she has to be perfect in order to live up to the Sprouse name, and some other stuff about you and Dylan and how she was always put down by you guys, or something. It was a lot to take in, but it was really her constant need to be perfect because she feels like she'll never be good enough to be a Sprouse."

"She said that?"

"I never saw it coming, mate."

The line went silent again and Tom could hear Cole's sighs, "Um, yeah, just make sure she's taking her meds. Don't let her - well, more like help her build up her confidence? She's a great actor, Tom. And she's an awesome girl, she just doesn't... I guess we never told her." Tom stayed silent as Cole persisted on with his advice to the Brit. "I'm going to call Dylan, we'll be there in a few days. Just don't tell her."

"Yeah, no. I won't, I'll keep this one a secret," Tom laughed, trying to lighten the very tense mood. Cole lightly chuckled before popping his lips and pondering what to say next. "Yeah, uh, just try to distract her, make sure she knows how awesome she is. Dylan and I will figure this out."

"I didn't want to create any problems, I just wanted to let you know about Blair. She's been constantly worried and - "

"Blair is someone who worries about the little things, Tom. She's always been like that, I just brushed it off as who she is. But she's great. I don't know how close you two are or anything but she's my favorite girl in the world, don't hurt her. She doesn't trust easily, but once she does she's a blast. When you get her to laugh, Tom, it's really something special."

Tom smiled and jumped onto his counter, pulling one knee to his chest as he let the other hand over the counter's edge. "It is, man.

"It really is."

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