Knee Toubles / Ziall

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Niall's pov~
It was another great night of tour, the boys and I were up on stage in London having a ton of fun and singing our hearts out. However, they might have been having a bit more fun than myself. All day I have felt as though something bad might happen and I was worried, something could happen to me, or maybe even Zayn, or the other boys.

As I walked around the stage I stopped for a moment as one of the others sang, I was smiling, waving, and mouthing little things to fans. Also flashing a quick smile at Zayn, receiving one back from him. Wow he is breathtaking in all honestly. Suddenly out of nowhere something hit my knee, and it hit it hard.

I slightly bent my knee soon discovering that was a bad idea, it was throbbing. I just had surgery on it a couple months ago and this is exactly what I feared. I took a few steps to try to calm the pain but nothing was helping. Zayn flashed a worried look.

Management allowed us to come out shortly after we started dating and now we have been out to the public for around three years.

I scrunched my eyebrows, well my whole face out of pain. I heard a few fans yelling Zayn's name and 'Niall's hurt' but I couldn't focus. Within seconds I felt a strong arm around my waist. Zayn. He pulled out of my earpieces as well as his.

"Take it slow Ni, we're gonna go sit down." He slowly walked me over to a bench on stage and sat me down. I winced as my knee bent when I sat. Harry entertained the crowd before we sang again seeing as I was in so much pain, and the boys must have wanted to see if I was okay.

"Is it just your knee babe?" Zayn asked getting close to my ear so I could hear him over the crowd.

"Yes, it hurts Zee." I winced, tears in my eyes.

"It's okay Ni, do you want to get off or stay for the last two songs?" He asked as I wined again at the pain. I can't do it but I have to for the fans.

"I'll finish." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked clearly not agreeing with my response. I nodded. He put his arm around my shoulders from where he sat next to me as I cuddled into his shoulder a bit, then we both popped our earpieces back in.

The other boys came to sit with us. Liam on my other side because even though he wasn't my boyfriend, he still is Daddy Direction. Harry was sitting on the ground near mine and Zayn's feet, while Louis was next to him near mine and Liam's feet.

Eventually the show ended, and I felt like I couldn't walk. I knew I couldn't walk. The fans were still crazy, but I just wanted to go lay down. I sat still as the boys got up, Zayn picked me up bridal style realizing I didn't want to walk on my injured knee. The fans went absolutely insane, doubling in volume, and screaming 'Ziall.' I deepened my head further into his neck/chest, closing my eyes as my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Goodnight guys, I hope you had a good time, and get home safely please." Harry said starting to close up the night. I opened my eyes for a second earning a soft smile from Zayn.

"For now we're gonna go treat our little Nialler, his bad knee took a rough hit a little while ago." Louis said. I breathed deeply and Zayn took his arm from under my shoulder and ran his fingers through my hair.

"THIS HAS BEEN ONE DIRECTION." Liam yelled as we rushed off stage because I started getting really whiney. Zayn held me tight so I wouldn't fall, also wanting me to feel safe.

One we were backstage the boys were quick to start helping me. Zayn laid me on a couch and the boys took off my tight jeans leaving me in a tee shirt and my underwear. They all looked at it but I closer my eyes, I didn't want to see the damage.

"Ni, baby we're gonna call an ambulance. It doesn't look too good. Is that okay?" I heard Zayn's gorgeous voice say. I nodded not wanting to talk because all I could do was groan and whimper at the pain. I heard a phone and then Liam's voice talking into it about my knee.

Minutes later the ambulance arrived. The whole time it was on its way Zayn was by my side kissing my hands and cheek and whispering sweet words. When I was on the stretcher they started wheeling me out fast. I was terrified, where is Zayn? Suddenly I felt a warm hand in mine and felt relieved.

Eventually we were at the hospital and they made Zayn separate from me and I was not happy about it at all. I then slowly let my eyes close and drift away.

Zayn's pov~
The second I saw something hit Niall's knee I knew it was bad, but not this bad. Currently I was sitting in the waiting room anxiously, laying on Liam's shoulder.

"Niall Horan?" I shot up running up the the doctor.

"What happened?" I demanded out of him.

"The object that hit his knee was hard enough to crack it and pull on some stuff because the knee wasn't completely healed and strengthened from last time he had his surgery so we opened it back up and fixed some stuff. He will be in a unmovable knee brace for a few months, and have crutches. He's asleep now. Room 125." I ran down and sat beside him holding his hand a gently rubbing my thumb over it, as my other hand rested gently on his thigh of the hurt leg.

Several hours later he stirred a bit and I saw the most precious eyes in the world for a split second. His gorgeous ocean blue eyes, I could stare in them all day.

"I love you Niall, rest up and feel better soon love. I'll always be here to help you with whatever you need, I'll always protect you." I whispered kissing his forehead.

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