Hurt // Ziall

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Nobody's Pov~
The boys had just gotten out of an interview and headed to the hotel. Upon arriving there were fans wanting pictures and autographs. Of course the boys took some pictures and Niall was with one girl talking while Zayn chatted with a boy about their age behind them. The other boys chatting it up with whoever.

"Aye, I really like your hair, it compliments you well." Niall heard from behind him, the voice belonging to none other than Zayn, his Zayn. Niall's heart broke but he kept himself together, still chatting with the girl.

Another boy about Niall's age came over to Zayn and again Zayn started saying things. "Nice look," He laughed, "I like your sense of style, looks good on you." Niall couldn't take it. He bid farewell to the girl and ran to the elevator going up to his hotel room and sighing deeply.

He laid in bed, he didn't even want to imagine what Zayn was saying to other fans down in the lobby. He didn't care. Zayn was surrounded by fans but Niall always got hate, Zayn could have anyone but still kept Niall. Maybe Niall wasn't enough. Maybe that's why Zayn kept flirting with other guys and sometimes even girls.

Niall went into the bathroom after pulling out a blade from his bag. Zayn didn't know he did this, he put in right under his hips so even when changing in front of the guys they couldn't see his cuts because his bowers covered them.

He locked the door and sat on the side of the bathtub. He started slicing at his upper thighs.

1 for being hated

1 for Zayn no longer loving him

1 for Zayn flirting with others

1 for being untalented

1 for being ugly

1 for being alone

1 because he couldn't even handle himself

1 because he has no friends

1 because he shouldn't be in the band

1 for being worthless

He kept going until he heard the door to the hotel open... Zayn.

Niall quickly wiped them off before slipping on black sweatpants. He couldn't stay too long so he just had to cover up the fact he was bleeding. He walked out and placed himself on the bed.

"Hey Ni." Zayn said kissing his head.

"Hi." Niall replied softly.

"Are you alright love?" Zayn asked looking at Niall for a moment before gently pulling the boy on his lap.

"Yeah," Niall whispered gently.

"Are you sure." Zayn said setting his hands of Niall's hips making the boy squirm. Zayn went to move Niall so they were facing each other and his hands were still on Niall's hips making the blonde boy whine before letting out a little wince.

"What's wrong Ni?" Zayn asked. Niall just looked at the floor not replying. Zayn went to move the band of Niall's pants to look but Niall grabbed his wrist and moved away.

"Niall please..." Zayn asked him. Niall just stayed still. Both sat thinking for a moment, Zayn thought about what Niall was hiding. Niall thought about what Zayn would think of him.

A few moments later and it hit Zayn, "Ni, you didn't hurt yourself did you?" He asked voice cracking. Niall stayed silent. "You did...." Zayn said. Niall let a few tears fall, "I'm so sorry Zayn. I'm such a mess up I know. I'm so-" Niall blabbed but Zayn shushed him before lifting him up and bringing him to the bathroom.

Niall was sat on the bathroom counter and Zayn took his underwear and pants off then placed a towel on the boys lap so he didn't feel so exposed.

"Oh sweetheart..." Zayn said kissing where the cuts lied. He walked over starting the bath. "I'm so sorry I let this happen, you shouldn't have had to go through this."

"You d-don't c-care about m-m-me a-a-any-m-more, and-" Niall spoke gibberishly just to be cut off by Zayn.

"Don't say that Niall love, I love you so much. More than you'll ever realize I never want to see you hurt or in pain. I promise I'll fix whatever made you upset, I'll help you get better. Okay? I don't want to see you hurting anymore baby." Niall just nodded as Zayn placed him in the bath massaging his hair and washing his body, being gentle around his cuts.

When Zayn finished washing his boyfriend he kissed all Niall's newest cuts before applying ointment to them and bandaging them up. He then slid a pair of his own sweatpants on the small blonde boy so they were quite big yet looked adorable, then the two went to bed where they cuddled and Zayn held Niall gently and reminded him of just how much he loved him.

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