Breastfeeding / Baby!Niall

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Daddy: Louis
Dada: Liam
Papa: Zayn
Baba: Harry

Niall: 4 months old

Louis pov~
For the last few days our baby Nialler has been acting weird. He won't eat anything, ever since we adopted him just days after being born he was always a hungry baby, always drinking from his bottle. Suddenly he won't eat though and he is getting weaker and harder to get to bed. He wasn't sick though, so we were all very confused.

He woke up and we all heard crying from upstairs. All of us dads were watching a movie while our sweet, little baby slept.

"I got it." Liam said getting up, and quickly rushing upstairs to Niall's nursery.

"I'll grab a bottle to see if he will eat." Zayn said also getting up.

I scooted near Harry and laid my head of his shoulder, "I'm worried Haz." I said plainly.

"I know but he'll be okay love. Wait for the others to get back and we'll figure something out." He said rubbing my back.

Suddenly Liam was back placing a sleepy Niall on his chest and Zayn came back shortly after with the bottle which caused a fuss from Niall. He cried, and kicked, and wouldn't let us feed him. He actually fussed his way into a nap.

"We've got to do something." I said to the boys, tears in my eyes.

"Hey um I was thinking, they have these lactation pills so men can make milk for their babies. He might not like what we give him now or something. Maybe one of us could try them out for little Nialler?" Zayn suggested after a few moments. We all shook our heads to say yes and Liam followed by Harry left, placing Niall on my chest to sleep.

Soon enough Niall was in his crib and we all sat at the table with the pills in the middle.

"So who's taking them, you won't develop breasts or anything I promise." Liam told us.
We all looked around and I noticed everyone was looking at me. I grabbed the bottle and they all let out little laughs and I smiled a little. That baby is attached to me. I quickly got out two as Harry passed me some water, my poor Nialler was probably starving.

About an hour or two later my whole chest was very sore, and felt heavy. I groaned. The others looked over.

"I think it's ready, making me a little sore in my chest." The boys nodded and Liam left to get get Niall and I removed my shirt and got comfy. Zayn placed a pillow behind my back so I could relax a bit more as I sat pretty upright on the couch, leaning back just barely at an angle.

Moments later our baby was near my chest. "Okay Ni we're gonna try something different," I told the little baby that was bundled in a little grey blanket and a blue hat. His gorgeous, little, ocean blue eyes opened up and I smiled at him. I placed him closer to my nipple as the boys looked and I blushed. "Look away please." I said feeling a bit insecure of my body and the fact I was a man feeding a baby out of my breast.

Liam kissed my head, "sweetheart, no need to be shy this is beautiful to watch." He said earning a smile and nod from Harry and Zayn.

I nodded and looked back down at Niall and pointed to my nipple, "here baby eat from here, please." I said to him about to cry, he was probably starving. I deprived my ni bear. He wouldn't and I looked up to the boys about to say something but I felt a weird sensation, it hurt a tad and my breast felt pressurized but I knew my baby was eating and that's what mattered.

"That's it baby boy, you got it." I said overjoyed and tearing at the fact my baby was eating and from myself. I slight ran my hand over whatever hair was on his little head.

"That's gorgeous." I heard Harry say.

"How are you, alright?" Zayn said as Liam quickly added, "How does it feel?"

"It kinda hurts a little and I feel pressure. It's not too bad though I'll be okay. I'm just happy my NiNi is eating." The boys smiled as Niall let go.

Zayn walked over as I stood up and placed a towel over my shoulder and back so I could burp my baby now that he finally ate. He suddenly spit up and cried.

"It's okay baby, I'm proud of you Ni." I said as the boys cooed, Harry taking the towel as Niall fell asleep in my arms, snoring his little baby snores softly.

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