Another // Nouis

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Nobody's pov~

The boys were all at Niall and Louis' house to meet the baby and spend some time with their friends. Louis allowed them over on two conditions; they wouldn't say anything about Niall's chest that protruded out a bit due to the fact he had taken pills during his pregnancy to assure he could breastfeed his baby. They would go away soon anyway. The boys also had to keep quiet and listen to everything Niall said, he was still sensitive and protective of the baby.

Niall drifted off in the arms of his amazing husband on the couch as the boys made conversation with Louis but suddenly cries were heard from the baby monitor. Niall whined as he sat up in his husbands arms. They currently had a 3 month old and the baby was at the point where we always always waking up at random hours of the day, and the night as well.

"It's alright love, I got it. Lay back down you need some rest." Louis told Niall kissing his head.

"Thank you Lou." Niall said cuddling into the blanket he had as Louis walked out of the room. Just as Niall almost fell asleep again Louis came back with the baby.

"Hey Ni, he's hungry sweetheart." Louis said sitting down and running a hand through Niall's hair. Niall sat up and took off his shirt before relaxing back a bit. Louis set the baby on his lover's chest, the baby instantly latched onto Niall's nipple. Louis pulled Niall onto his lap and all the boys watched the adorable yet amazing sight in front of them.

Eventually the baby finished and the couple buried him before he was handed to Harry. The boys all held him and as Zayn was holding him and Liam was pushing his little hairs out of his face and asked, "When are you going to have another one?" Niall opened his eyes, not moving his head from Louis shoulder though, to see all the boys smiling at them.

"Good question," Louis said holding Niall a bit tighter. "When can we have a second one?" Louis asked gently setting his hand on Niall's stretched tummy. Niall laid there for a minute thinking about the question.

"I don't know, soon enough. Just need to catch up on some sleep and stuff." Niall mumbled, the boys heard him though. Louis smiled and kissed his head and the boys were practically bouncing. Niall giggled at them as Zayn brought his baby back.

Niall looked down into his son's bright blue eyes that looked a lot like his own and smiled, "Do you want a little brother or sister baby boy?" The boys all cooed and Louis beamed at his husband before kissing him, "I think so."


Two years later.

Niall woke up and instantly ran right to the bathroom, he's been puking for a week straight and he was pretty sure he knew why. He walked back to the bedroom of the hotel suite where Louis laid and his baby's fold up crib was set up in the corner.

He crawled into the bed laying on his back and Louis slid over and set a hand on Niall's belly, he rubbed it softly. "Niall hunny?" Louis said gently.

"Yeah Lou?" Niall replied.

"Am I getting a second baby love?" Louis asked smirking as he continued to rub Niall's stomach.

"I think so," Niall giggled. Louis pulling Niall onto his chest and they both smiled.

"I can't wait babe." Louis said kissing him.


Midday the boys went to a walk in clinic where they got an ultrasound and medication for Niall while Harry watched over their little boy. They also found out news they were not at all expecting.

Later on that day the whole band was in the dressing room as Lou got them ready for a show. Just before they walked out on stage after saying goodbye to their boy and handing him off to Lou, Louis remembered something.

"Niall love..." Louis said about to reveal the news. "You need your medication before you go on stage."

The boys looked puzzled. "What medication is he on? What's wrong?" Liam asked going into daddy direction mode.

"Well boys..." Louis said going behind Niall and placing his hands on Niall's lower stomach, "Baby two and three are on the way." He said kissing Niall's cheek. All the boys jaws dropped. They were completely shocked.

"Twins?" Harry asked. Both Niall and Louis laughed while nodding their heads yes.

Louis got the medicines and Niall took them and as they approached the stage they chatted about the babies and how Louis and Niall would announce it that night.


The concert was going along, Louis watching Niall like a hawk. There was a break in which the boys usually answered questions but they had something else in mind.

"So guys before we take any questions some members on this stage have a very big announcement!" Harry yelled into his microphone. The crowd yelled.

"So Louis, Niall," Liam said making the fans go quiet. They of course wanted to hear what their favorite couple had to say.

"Well, we just found out this morning but we're happy to announce," Louis started as he put an arm around Niall's waist and the other on his currently not so rounded tummy, "Niall is pregnant again!" The crowd went absolutely insane.

"Not only am I expecting, but this time I'm pregnant with twins!" Niall said excited as Louis pulled him into a tight hug. Niall was teaching up, his arms were around his taller husbands neck. Louis securely held Niall's waist for a few moments as the audience went crazy, there were some screams of excitement and also some coos because of how cute the couple was. Eventually they separated, and the boys were ready for some questions.

Eventually after a few questions they were asked, "This is soon, but do you plan an having anymore kids after this?" Harry asked reading a question sent in from twitter.

"I don't know what do you think Niall, love?" Louis asked his partner.

"I'm think maybe one more after the twins...." Niall said to Louis particularly, it coming out more as a question than a statement.

"I totally agree, 4 sounds perfect. I've always wanted a big family sweetheart." Louis said kissing Niall's cheek making the Irish boy blush.


A few years later and Niall and Louis had finally finished their family. They had everything they wanted.

Their oldest boy, Oliver James Tomlinson was now 6. He took Niall's middle name and his bright blue eyes as well as eye shape, but had dark brown hair like Louis. He had Niall's nose but Louis' lips and face shape.

The twins, two girls who were now 3, Eden Félicité Tomlinson, and Elsie Charlotte Tomlinson, who got their middle names from Louis' sisters. Both looked very similar. They had light brown hair that came from Niall but darker blue eyes like Louis. They had Niall's face and eye shape but Louis nose and lips.

Their last baby, a boy was only a few months old. They named him Lukas William Tomlinson. He took Louis middle name and looked a lot like his older brother. Dark hair and bright eyes. Niall's nose and eye shape but louis' hair color, lips, and face shape.

Leave your requests. I'll be more than happy to write them. xx

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