Argument // Narry

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Nobody's pov~
It was yet another day in the Styles household, Niall was home with their three year old son while Harry worked late. It was about 8 o'clock at night and Niall had just put their son to bed then walked downstairs and sat at a bar stool waiting for Harry to arrive home. Sure he was tired from chasing around a toddler and doing house work all day but he refused to go to bed until he knew Harry was home safe.

About half an hour of staring at the wall later Niall heard a knock and shot up, smile on his face. Harry came in and Niall hugged him, however Harry didn't hug him back making Niall's smile drop instantly.

"Are you okay Haz." Niall asked gently after his husband didn't hug him.

"I'm fine Niall." Harry said coldly.

"Are you sure?" Niall asked ignoring the fact Harry was just quite rude to him.

"I said I'm fine, leave me alone." Harry snapped, raising his voice a bit.

"Can I please have a hug, I think you need one too." Niall asked sweetly.

"No, Niall stop. Why are you always so annoying?" Harry snapped at him yelling a little at the end. Niall's heart broke, harry never yelled and he always gave Niall hugs. "Maybe if you paid attention you'd realize I'm working late for our money while you sit home all day. Then, when I come home you get annoying even though you don't even work and can't realize I do annoying stuff all day." Niall turned around so Harry couldn't tell he was about to cry. Harry knew Niall watched over Noah all day, he paid bills, cleaned and took care of the house, ran errands, but he had to take his anger out somehow.

Suddenly little three year old Noah cane around the corner. He heard his papa yell and got scared, then he saw his daddy, tears rolling down his face.

"Go 'way papa. No'ody makes my daddy 'ry." Noah said as Niall bent down and picked up the small boy. Harry stood there for a moment as Noah put his head in Niall's neck and Niall's tears slowed down a little.

"I'm alright No. How about we go back up to bed love, hm?" Niall said softly kissing his son's head.

"No daddy, not 'til you're 'k. Papa made you 'ry. You're sad daddy." Noah said kissing his dad's cheek making Niall smile.

"I'm okay baby. We can go up to your room okay, I'll read you a story and we can cuddle." Niall smiled his son even though his heart was still aching.

"Daddy's smiling 'gain." Noah said clapping his little hands. Niall kisses his forehead and headed up the stairs. He glanced at the quiet harry once more and then disappeared up the stairs.

Niall has just finished reading and Noah was out, he took the small boy off his lap and laid him in the bed kissing his head and saying I love you before turning off the lamp and leaving.

He headed to his and Harry's room to see Harry not there, he sighed and changed before laying down. He let some tears hit his pillow drowning out all his surroundings.

After a few minutes he was just about to drift off when he felt a large, warm hand go up his shirt and rub his back. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "Haz?" He asked through his remains tears.

"It's me sweetheart." Harry said slowly. "I'm here, please stop crying you're gonna have an anxiety attack. I'm right here, I know you've been holding back because of Noah, but it's okay I'm here now I love you and I'm so thankful for you. I just had a long day at work and took it out on you. You do so much for me and Noah and I know you don't think you're the best dad or husband but you are. Noah really loves you, so do I please never forget that even when I'm a jerk baby." Harry said placing a kiss on his husbands soft, fluffy, blonde-tipped hair.

Niall opened his arms for a cuddle and Harry laid down placing Niall's head on his chest and wrapping his arms around the small, blonde boy's waist.

"Niall sweetheart, have you been taking care of yourself. Showering, eating properly, sleeping enough, taking your medicine, and not overworking yourself." Harry asked running his hands up and down Niall's back. "No," Niall whispered. Harry's heart broke a bit, "I'm calling in tomorrow and I'll have Gemma, Greg, or one of moms take Noah for the day. We'll have a Niall day." Harry said kissing Niall.

"You don't have to do that Hazza." Niall whispered.

"You're right Ni, but I want to. Now get some sleep baby." Harry said running a hand through Niall's hair.


The next day Noah was at Greg's playing with Theo. Niall woke up and Harry had breakfast ready along with Niall's medicine for his anxiety. Niall and then took his two pills before Harry came over with his inhaler, "I know you're not having an attack but you're supposed to use it throughout the day because your anxiety is so bad baby. I know you don't usually but open up, it'll make you feel better I promise. It'll help you." Harry smiled.

Throughout the day Harry cuddled Niall and reminded him of just how gorgeous, and perfect he was. Harry also told Niall multiple times how thankful he was to have such a precious husband. Even though they fought sometimes in the end they always made sure everything was okay.

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