Baby Bump / Ziall

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Third Person pov~

The boys, aside from Niall, were all in the kitchen of the tour bus preparing breakfast. They let Niall sleep in longer than them most days. At that moment in time Niall was barely 6 months pregnant and always very tired, he needed more rest than the boys and of course they didn't mind.

"Niall, love, wake up breakfast is ready." Zayn said walking in to the room and placing himself  on their bed before rubbing his husband's back. "Niall... come on babe." He cooed. Niall groaned and looked up at Zayn as soon as his eyes were open. "There's those pretty blue eyes," Zayn smiled making Niall smile as well. "Are you hungry?" Zayn asked him as he helped him sit up and Niall adjusted Zayn's big tee shirt he had on.

"Yes, I think the baby is too." Niall said smiling as Zayn chuckled a bit. Zayn placed a hand on Niall's tee shirt covered bump and rubbed it gently receiving little kicks. "Alright lets get you some food," Zayn said kissing Niall then grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a big hoodie for Niall. The tour bus wasn't always the warmest, plus Niall didn't like to show the bump around anyone, even the boys.

The boys walked out to the kitchen, Zayn's arm around Niall's waist, and Niall leaning on him.

"Morning Ni," Louis said followed by a quick, "Good morning Niall," from Harry. Liam then added, "Morning, how're you doing today?"

Zayn sat Niall down at their booth in the bus and slid in next to him. "Morning boys, and I'm alright Li, tired as usual."

The boys brought over the food and we all ate. "Okay so today we have a few interviews, a little bit of rehearsal and a concert." Liam read off his phone. These days were heard for Niall, there was so much to do and with him being in the state he was, he was always tired but management wouldn't give him a break.

The boys arrived at the first interview where they got all dressed up, and Lou did their hair. Niall was wearing a nice shirt, it looked good on him and still covered the bump without making it obvious. They were ready to go out when Zayn's arms went around Niall and he kissed his cheek. "You look gorgeous as always." Zayn said as Niall leaned into him. "I love you Zayn, and you look handsome as well." "I love you Ni." The boys stayed like that for a moment while the other boys cooed at them until it was time to go out.

"Please welcome One Direction!" The interviewer called from the other room. The boys walked out. Harry, followed by Louis then Liam and finally Zayn with his arm around Niall. They smiled at the audience and sat down. Niall was squished in between Liam and Zayn and felt a bit uncomfortable but he was used to it. Zayn's arm went to the back of the couch then around Niall. Niall smiled at him as the interviewer started to talk.

"So welcome boys, how are you all this morning?" She asked.

"We're good, a bit tired, how are you?" Harry asked, also answering her question.

"I'm good thank you, so first off..." the interviewer started and Niall zoned out a bit. He was pulled out of his thoughts a few minutes later. "Niall, you've been quiet. Are you alright?" She asked politely.

"Yeah just a bit tired," He said as Zayn pulled him closer and laid his head down. The audience cooed.

"Speaking of, hows the baby guys?" She smiled. The fans knew about the baby however never really saw the bump since Niall was always hiding it.

"He's good, yeah. Kicks a lot, he's always making me hungry, tired, and sore. But it's worth it, I just hit the third trimester so it won't be long now," Niall said smiling a bit as I kissed his head.

"Niall's been tired a lot lately with our busy schedule but yeah like Ni said, it's worth it. He knows he has the rest of us if he needs it and we're excited to see our little guy in a few months." Zayn said.

The interview went on then the boys had a radio interview after so nobody saw them therefore Niall was on Zayn's lap resting his head on him. He thought he would get some rest but most the questions were baby involved or had to be answered by all five boys. He was exhausted already.

The boys then headed to their last interview where they were separated. Zayn and Niall had one interviewer who wasn't the nicest, while Liam, Harry, and Louis had another.

Both interviews were going well and Niall was slouched with his head on Zayn's chest while facing the interviewer, they had a laugh or two but it was a boring interview overall. He was quickly getting more and more tired. "Niall can you sit up and have a nice conversation? We invited you to talk not sleep." He said to Niall quite harshly. "OI! Leave him alone he's pregnant and tired. We will leave if that's what you want." Zayn said keeping Niall down when he tried to sit up. "I was just asking it's kinda rude to act like that in an interview." The interviewer fought back. "Well if we're so rude we'll leave. You have no right to say that to him in the first place." Zayn told him. He took Niall's hands and helped him up before leading him out of where the interview was. Zayn wipes a couple of tears before they were put in a room with a new interviewer, she was much nicer and the interview went smoothly.

After both groups were done they met up and walked across the street to where the concert was. They had an hour of free time before sound check and rehearsals. They went into the break room where Zayn laid Niall down and he almost instantly passed out. Zayn sat on the floor on his phone in front of Niall while the other boys ran down the street to get food.

The boys returned about 20 minutes later to find Zayn staring at the tv and Niall still asleep, shirt riding up a bit. The shirt also was close to his skin because of the way he was laying, you could clearly see there was a bump under the shirt. "Oh my gosh." Louis said as Harry and Liam set the food down. Zayn looked over to them then at Niall. "That's the bump he's afraid to show?" Liam asked. Zayn just nodded placing his hand on it and rubbing softly, Niall smiled a little bit even in his sleep. "It's so cute." Harry said. Zayn chuckled, "Niall is gonna be so upset." The other boys frowned then Harry spoke again, "I don't get why he's so scared to show it..." Zayn looked at Harry then back at his husband who was still asleep on the couch. "He's just insecure, he's a lot bigger than he was before and is upset about it. I think he's gorgeous and he's got a baby in him, he's supposed to get bigger." The boys looked at Zayn and cooed, he had so much love for Niall, it was insane.

A few minutes later Niall started to shift and open his eyes, "Hey gorgeous," Zayn said taking us hand from Niall's bump and brushing some hair out of Niall's face. Niall blushed and smiled, the other boys laughed a little at how cute but hilarious Niall's blush was. Niall looked over at them then down quickly feeling very insecure. He pulled down the shirt and turned the other way as he adjusted his shirt so the boys couldn't see the bump. "Love, they saw it while you were asleep. There's nothing to be afraid of, they think it's adorable. Can you turn around for me?" Niall turned, arms laying over his stomach as zayn helped him sit up. "Niall, babe, can they see? They've been waiting months." Niall looked at them and saw the itching to come over. He didn't really like the idea but then again they were the people he was closest to, his brothers. He nodded yes and the boys came over slowly. Zayn leaned Niall against the back of the couch and gently pulled up his shirt, he ran his hands over the bump and kissed it as the baby kicked at him. Both boys giggled like school girls as the others watched in adoration. Louis came over first, "can I touch Ni?" He asked softly. Niall nodded yes and Zayn kissed his head. Louis set a cold hand on the bump, the baby kicked once realizing it wasn't his daddy. The other boys tried and it seemed the baby only liked Zayn, and Liam a little. Niall chuckled every time Louis or Harry would try to get the baby to kick. It wasn't a bad thing showing the boys after all.

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