Help / Niam / Fem!Niall

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Niall's pov~

I walked through school in my black skirt with a white blouse and sparkly black flats. I thought I looked pretty good this morning however I didn't know how long that would last. Yes, I'm a cross dresser, and everyday the jocks, three of the best football (soccer) players, bullied me. Their names... Michael, Josh, and Keith. They make me hate school and often leave me bruised, not that anyone cares.

Later on in the day my last class just ended, I wanted to escape before my bullies found me but of course the teacher held me for a few moments to ask me something. Nothing bad, I was really smart actually.

I finally walked out and saw the people I dreaded most. They dragged me to the empty locker room. I yelled so they threw me to the ground. Michael threw a punch to my jaw and told me to shut up. I shut up only for he sake of not wanting to be hurt again.

Liam's pov~

I had just gotten to the field when I realized I forgot something in the locker room. I turned back taking my time walking there since I still had ten or so minutes until practice. When I got closer I heard a yell for help coming from the locker room so I broke out into a run. I opened the door to see something horrid.

Niall was on the floor, he has a bruised jaw and little cuts everywhere. His legs had a few injuries as well. He was laying on the floor in a ball pleading them to stop. I've always had a crush on Niall, I think he's beyond beautiful, and the way he cross dresses drives me even more insane.

Michael, Josh, and Keith were yelling things like, "Fag," "Gays aren't cool you know," "why can't you be like everyone else then you'd be accepted," SLUT," "you're worthless," "your mom probably hates you, you know she thought she had a son by a daughter," and so much more.

"HEY GET OFF HIM!" I yelled making them back off. "Touch him again and coach will know." They then decided to test my patience and Josh kicked him square in the ribs. "LEAVE!" I yelled, overly aggravated. They scurried out and that left me with Niall.

I walked over to him about to help him sit up but he flinched away. "It's okay love, I want to help you. I won't hurt you I promise." I told him looking in his amazing baby blue eyes. I sat him up and he winced. "Okay, the nurse left, I'm gonna bring you to my coach alright? He'll help you I promise." He slowly nodded and I picked him up bridal style and started to walk toward the field. He winced. "It'll be okay Niall."

"You know me?" He asked.

"Yes of course, how could I not know the smartest, most beautiful boy in school." I smiled at him making him blush.

We made it to the field and I set him in front of the bench and grabbed my coach. "Payne where were you?" He seemed mad although I was his favorite.

"I can explain I promise. I went back inside to grab my water and found Michael, Josh, and Keith beating up Niall for being different, and gay..." I said. "He's hurt." Coach looked at me with sorry eyes. He knew I liked the boy, I have forever and I was close with my coach.

"Okay bud, lets get you fixed up." He said and I thanked him. Coach got out the medical kit and  we cleaned up Niall's cuts, and then I sat next to him holding an ice pack to him jaw while his head laid back against the bench. Coach gave him a few pain killers and I let him use my water bottle to swallow them. "I'll be back boys." I nodded as I held one side of Niall's jaw with one hand and an ice pack against the other side of his jaw.

He walked over and pulled Michael, Josh, and Keith off the field. Then they left after a lecture. He came back over to us. "They're gone, off the team for good." I smiled thanking him. "Now go get Niall changed and head home son." He said shooing me off, backpack on my back, Niall in my arms. We went to the locker room where I helped him into a pair of my sweats and a hoodie of mine as well. God, he looked absolutely adorable in my clothes which were quite big in him. His clothes were ripped and bloody. While helping him I caught his eyes, god every time I look at them I somehow fall more in love with the boy.

I set him on the counter holding the ice pack to his jaw for a few more moments. "Hey um Niall, would you like to come to my game tomorrow and maybe wear my jersey?" I asked him hopeful.

Niall's pov~

I was sat on the counter and Liam was holding the ice pack to my jaw. I was still shocked by that. I have liked Liam for years now, not that he'd ever like me back.

I was kinda out of it then he spoke up, "Hey um Niall, would you like to come to my game tomorrow and maybe wear my jersey?" DID HE JUST ASK IF I WANTED TO WEAR HIS JERSEY? Stay calm Niall.

Usually Jerseys we're only worn by the girlfriends of the boys on the team. Gays weren't widely accepted in our school so it was usually girls. The players each have two jerseys so their dates wear the one they're not.

"Oh um, yeah of course." I smiled.

The next day I showed up to the game wearing Liam's jersey, it was dark blue and white with big bold letters spelling 'PAYNE' on the back as well as his number, 10. I also had on a white skirt and little white converse.

I walked to the bleachers and sat down. Midway through the game Liam had the ball near the net and I yelled, he looked over and saw me. Then he shot and made it. The buzzer went off signaling the end of game two seconds later. Liam had just scored the winning goal and ran up to me picking me up and twirling me.

"Oh I'm Niall, can I ask you something?" He asked in the middle of the field.

"I mean you just did but yeah." I giggled as he chuckled a bit.

Out of nowhere one of his teammates came up with a dozen white roses. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"YES!" I yelled hugging him.

"I love you Niall." He said kissing the top of my hug.

"I love you too Liam, thank you for saving me."

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