Brother? / Kid!Niall

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Louis: Daddy/Dad
Harry: Papa/Pops
Liam: 16 years old
Niall: 6 years old
Zayn: 6 years old (Niall's best friend)


Niall's pov~
I didn't feel very well this morning but I hid it from Daddy and Papa because today in school were coloring! We only do it once in a while and I was really, really excited. But now I've been at school for a few hours, maybe two or three, it's about 10:30, and I wanted to go home and cuddle with my daddies I didn't feel good. My stomach hurt, so did my head and I felt like throwing up.

"Zee?" I asked turning to my best friend as I put my crayon down.

"Yeah Ni?" He asked me looking over.

"I don't feel good." I said starting to cry.

"Oh um. I'll go get Mrs. Smith." He said running off as I cried silently to myself.

"Oh, sweetie, I'll have Zayn help you down to the nurse okay? Then you can call your daddies." She said reassuringly as she walk off to grab my bag.

When she returned Zayn flung it over his shoulder and walked me to the nurse's office. I wandered back with him and she looked up and saw us, smiling. "What's up kiddos?"

"NiNi doesn't feel good." Zayn said.

"Okay come on Ni." She said holding out her hand. She put me on a table and I got upset so Zayn crawled up and held my hand. She placed her hand on my forehead. "You're definitely warm." She said. Why was I warm? She got out a thermometer and I flailed, "No." I screeched. She backed off. "I'm gonna call your daddies and see if they'll come get you alright?" I nodded and she walked away. I laid my head on Zayn's shoulder and he giggled.

A few minutes later the nurse came back, "Your daddies couldn't make it so your brother, Liam, is gonna come get you alright?" I wanted me daddies though. I loved Liam but I preferred to have my daddies take care of me. I cried and felt puke coming up my throat. The nurse placed a bucket in front of me and I threw up as the door swung open.

"Oh love, calm down you're alright." I instantly recognized that voice as Liam's. I calmed down.

"Before you go can I get a quick temperature. Liam can do it." I cried as the nurse spoke.

"No, no Ni don't work yourself up." Liam said while rubbing my back. "Please bub? It'll be quick then we can go home and watch cartoons, and cuddle." I slowly nodded. I wanted cuddles, sure Liam wouldn't be my first pick but it's my only choice.

I saw the nurse hand the device to Liam and he accepted it. "Look babe, this pops in your ear really quick then your done alright?" I nodded and Zayn slid back over and put his arm around my shoulder. Liam popped the thing in and it was uncomfortable so I wiggled and teared up a bit. "101.8, we gotta get you home bud." Liam said as he picked me up. I said bye to Zayn and Liam carried me to his car.

When we got home he picked me up again, "Living room, my room, or yours?" He asked me as he unlocked the door. "Yours, you have a big, soft bed." I giggled. He smiled down at me, "Okay bug," He said placing a kiss on my head. "Ew only daddies do that," I squealed. He chuckled doing at again.

We went to my room and Liam grabbed some clothes and then we went to his room. He changed me in pajamas, then he put on grey sweatpants and a white tee shirt. We laid in bed with cartoons playing softly. My head was on his chest and his arms were around me. Maybe Liam taking care of me wasn't so bad. I quickly drifted off.

I woke up and was sweating a ton but felt cold. Liam passed out beneath me and I whimpered I felt like throwing up and I was cold!

"What's wrong Ni." He asked sitting up, me still on his lap. "Gonna throw up." I told him and he rushed to the bathroom setting me in front of the toilet where I threw up, he was whispering nice words and rubbing my back. When I finally finished he set me on the counter pulling various things out of the medicine cabinet.

"Okay Ni, I know you don't like it but I need your temperature babe." I nodded, there's no use in fighting. I opened my mouth and he placed it in and I sat there silently and he started a bath. The thermometer beeped and he took it out. "102.5" he said. "I'm gonna give you some medicine okay, it takes just like cherries." I cried. "No tears please love." He said hugging me. I nodded and drank the gross stuff as Liam turned off the bath. "It's cold babe, but it'll help I promise." He said placing me in as I started to cry. I was freezing. He washed me in the cold water and then went to get the thermometer yet again. He took my temperature, this time reading off 100.7. He let me sit in it for a few more moments before pulling me out and putting me in new pajamas.

"Do you want to try a bit of soup for me Ni?" I nodded no. Food sounded gross right now, and I didn't want to throw up again. "Just a little for me?" I nodded yes knowing I wouldn't win.

Liam made soup as I sat on his hip, him carrying me around the kitchen. Eventually we were sat down and he gave me a little less than half the bowl before I stopped him. "Good job Ni Bear." I giggled at the nickname he uses every so often.

After a bit we needed up cuddled on Liam's bed again, both of us asleep. Like before, I was on his chest with my head in the crook of his neck and his arms were tightly around me.

Later on I woke up to footsteps and saw my papa. He smiled at me, all cuddled up to Liam. "How are you feeling baby?" He asked.

"Better Papa," I told him as daddy walked in.

"Hey big guy. How's it going?" He asked sitting next to Papa.

"Hi daddy, 'm feeling better." I mumbled.

"Do you want to come cuddle with Papa and I? Daddy asked me. I shook my head no.

"What no cuddles?" Papa said. I giggled.

"Go back to bed love, we'll come check on you later." Daddy said kissing my head then Li's, Papa doing the same.

Later on Liam told his dad's about the crazy day and how at first Niall didn't want Liam's help only his dad's yet Liam got him healthy again. Liam couldn't get rid of his little brother now, not that he was complaining.

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