Baby Payne // Niam

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Nobody's pov~

Niall and his boyfriend Liam laid in bed as their baby moved around.

"Li..." Niall croaked into the darkness.

"Yes sweetheart?" Liam replied.

"I can't sleep at all, the baby won't stop kicking and moving. This is the worst it's been in a while." Niall told his partner, Liam's hand was soon placed on Niall's now incredibly big bump.

"I know lovely but soon he'll be here with us, do you think that's what he's doing?" Liam asked pulling Niall close.

"I don't know it feels like he's lower, like closer to my hips." Niall told him.

"It sounds like," Liam started but then Niall yelped.

"Li... ow. Ow ow ow." Niall said clutching his stomach.

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" Liam asked sitting up extremely fast and turning on a lamp. Niall just nodded and Liam threw the baby bag from the corner of their room over his shoulder as well as a bag for the both of them on the other. He then ran back to the bed and scooped up Niall.

Upon arriving to the hospital they were placed in a room to wait. Liam helped Niall onto a hospital gown and onto the bed.

"Li... I want Greg. He's in town for a meeting this week please call him." Niall said tears in his eyes.

"Ni I'll call Greg, just stay calm for me alright? You're just fine." Liam asked as Niall nodded.

Liam left the room for a moment before coming back saying Greg would be there in ten minutes.

Eventually Greg showed up, "Hey bud, how are you?" He asked his little brother as he pulled him into a hug. Niall just groaned. "I know buddy, you're okay though. Liam and I are here." Liam gave him a smile before taking Niall's left hand. Greg had his right.

Soon a nurse came in and placed a device on Niall's stomach. She turned it on and the baby's heartbeat was heart. The nurse however didn't seem pleased, it was slow and quiet but the boys thought it was fine. They didn't know much.

"I'll be right back boys," she told them as she left and came back with an ultrasound machine. She pulled up Niall's gown and blacked a blanket over his man parts. She then put the cold gel on his stomach and moved the wand around. Every now and again Niall hissed at the pain but it wasn't too bad yet.

"Boys I'm going to tell you something but please stay calm, especially you Niall." The nurse said and all the boys felt their hearts racing. "We need to start an emergency Caesarean section because the umbilical cord is around the baby's neck and it could cause problems or death of both him and you Niall. We will do it in this room and these young men can stay with you." Niall's winced at another pain as he cried he was beyond scared. Liam kissed his forehead for a few moments before sitting back down and placing a kiss to his hand now.

"It's gonna be okay sweetheart. I promise. You're a fighter and you love this baby so much. Nothing will go wrong just stay strong for me I'm right here. I love you babe." Liam told his boyfriend before Greg started to speak.

"Hey bud, I know you're scared but I've seen the things you've gone through. You also go into everything with so much passion and care and you've fought things others could never even imagine. This is just another bump in the road you've got this Ni. I love you little bug." Greg told his little brother.

Soon the doctor came in with a few nurses and injected a needle into Niall's back which wasn't easy since it was fairly large and Niall hates needles. He also had on a breathing mask and a curtain was up so he couldn't see his lower half.

"Can you feel this?" The doctor asked touching a few places on his large, blown up, stomach. Niall couldn't feel any of it so he shook his head no.

"Okay so basically I'm just going to go up into your entrance with a tool and break you water. Then I'm gonna go in and take the baby then stitch you up. Pretty simple alright Mr. Horan?" Niall nodded and closed his eyes for a moment before looking up into Liam's big brown puppy eyes, just by the look in his eyes Liam knew he was terrified.

"I know you're scared but it's gonna be okay. Just focus on me and Greg. Here um, what do you think... will the baby have your blue eyes or my brown ones." Niall was thinking about but when he felt a weird sensation, almost like something coming out of him. The doctor must have broke his water. "I want the baby blue ones. They're so pretty." Liam said. Niall pulled the mask from his mouth because he could if he wished.

"If the baby gets my eyes then they have to take your nose, I like it more than mine, oh and your lips because I have none." Niall and Liam giggled, even Greg did a bit. Niall placed the mask back on his mouth and Lima started to talk again as Niall felt some tugging in his stanch making him uncomfortable.

"I want the baby to have your smile." Liam said.

"Li, then they will need braces." Niall said as he removed the mask again.

"Yeah And that's adorable." Liam laughed.

"Then they better get you face shape, and dark brown hair." Niall said giggling as he sucked in from the amount of pressure.

"We'll just have to see won't we." Liam said as Niall smiled at him.

Suddenly little screams were heard in the room, "It's a boy!" One nurse explained.
"We got him in time and he's perfectly healthy." She said as she went to clean him and the doctors stitched Niall up and placed a bandage over them before putting an IV in his hand with medication because of the stitches. The would be painful.

Niall's eyes fluttered and Liam saw, "Get some sleep love, you need it." With that Niall drifted off.


A few hours later Niall woke up to see Liam holing the baby and Greg next to him. He smiled at the sight and Liam looked up.

"How was your nap love?" Liam asked his boyfriend.

"It was good." Niall giggled as Liam stood up with their baby boy. We then placed the baby in Niall's arms and Niall teared up. "He's so perfect." Niall whispered to nobody in particular. Liam smiled and agreed.

"What are we naming him hun?"

"Orion, it's cute and it has a cute meaning too." Niall smiled looking at Liam.

"It's perfect," Liam stated sitting next to Niall for a moment letting the baby grab at his large finger with his tiny hands. "Orion James Horan." Liam said just to state it.

"Orion James Payne," Niall said looking at his boyfriends.

"Are you sure Niall?" Liam asked.

"Yes, I trust that one day you'll put a pretty ring on my finger." Niall said smiling and blushing a bit.

"Well then I guess this is a good time," Liam said pulling a little box out of his pocket.

"Niall you've been my best friend for as long as I can remember and being able to call you mine for the past few years of my life is the best thing I ever could have imagined. We've made so many memories as friends, boyfriends, and I'd like to make more with you for the rest of my life as my husband. Starting right now with Orion. Will you marry me Niall James Horan?"

Niall was crying uncontrollably, his hormones were stronger than ever. Liam wiped his eyes and Niall nodded yes, unable to speak. Liam took Niall's hand gently so he didn't hurt the baby and then slid the ring on. It fit perfectly.

It was exactly what Niall always wanted, gold. Most people liked silver but he liked gold, maybe it's because he was Irish. Anyway, the ring was golden with little gems, clear ones, going all the way around. It was perfect.

"I love you Niall, and I love you Orion." Liam said kissing his now fiancé and new son's heads.

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