Nightmare // Zianourry

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I'be got no more ideas, if you have any drop them in the comments or private message me. No need to be shy. xx

Louis: 20
Liam: 19
Zayn: 19
Harry: 18
Niall: 15

Nobody's Pov~

Niall went to bed, he had a lot on his mind but somehow managed to fall asleep. He tossed and turned for hours, it was a restless sleep, no matter what he didn't he just couldn't sleep. The boys had been at a hotel for a few days as their break from tour and each had their own room because they had gotten a suite. Niall was hoping that now he could get some rest, it would be peaceful and comfortable but he had been proved wrong.

A few hours after Niall had fallen asleep, if you could even call it that, he woke up sweating and crying after a small yelp. He checked his phone, 3:17 in the morning. He had a nightmare, this wasn't uncommon but this one particularly was worse. He wanted comfort but didn't want to wake one of the boys, but then they would think he was a baby. He thought about it...

Maybe Harry? No, Harry likes his sleep and he had a cold a few days ago, he needs his sleep. Can't have anyone sick plus Harry likes his space.

Zayn? Who was he kidding Zayn wouldn't be happy getting woken up at an ungodly hour of the night he needed his sleep because well he's Zayn Malik.

Liam? He couldn't do that, Liam's always running around, he needs a break plus he wakes up extremely early everyday. Bad idea.

Louis? Maybe Louis? That could be a good idea. Louis gives good cuddles and wouldn't be too upset getting woken up. He could go find comfort in Lou.

After deciding maybe Louis was a good idea he looked at the clock, 4:02, god why did he overthink everything.

He walked down the hall, bare feet pattering on the cold floor. He slowly pushed open Louis' door and walked in. "Lou?" He asked. Nothing. He got on his knees and gently tapped the older boy's shoulder. "Lou?" He asked again as Louis stirred a little in his sleep. Niall gently shook Louis shoulder feeling tears again because of guilt and a little segment of his nightmare playing again in his mind. "Louis?" He whispered gently.

"Niall?" Louis asked into the darkness. "You there?" He asked opening his eyes and turning to where Niall's voice was heard.

"Yeah Lou," Niall whispered afraid Louis was going to be mad.

"What time is is bud? It's still dark." Louis asked in his scratchy yet still perfect morning voice.

"A little past 4." Niall said.

"Did you have a nightmare bugga?" Louis asked the small blonde boy.

"Mhm. Can I come up there and lay with you Lou?" Niall asked, voice still gentle.

"Of course, come here." Louis said opening his arms for the Irish boy.

Louis wiped his tears, "Shh, shhh. You're alright. It's okay." He said trying to calm his little blonde. "Talk to me love."

"I-I had a night-nightmare. I-I woke up s-sweaty and c-crying. I-I haven't b-been able to s-sleep w-we'll in a w-while too. I m-miss h-home and I didn't w-want to t-tell any of y-you because I-I don't w-want to be a b-bother. I'm s-s-sorry LouLou." Niall cried to Louis as the older boy held him tighter.

"Shhh. Nialler it's alright sweetheart. It's okay to have a nightmare bug. I know you miss home, we all do a little bit, and you're so young and I'm so proud of you buddy. I couldn't imagine being you, just remember I love you and you can always come to me. I know you have trouble sleeping sometimes baby, I got you some medication prescribed by our doctor for when you'd need it. Would you like some?" Louis spoke softly to the boy that could cuddled into him crying.

"Please?" Niall stated.

"Come on, we'll go to the bathroom and grab the medication and get you washed up, you're a bit sweaty love." Louis chuckled.

Both boys made their way to the bathroom. It might have been 5 in the morning but Louis didn't care he just wanted his blonde boy happy.

Louis started to tub then ran to the bag the boys brought with them with bathroom things. He pulled out one of the bath bombs he kept in there, he bought them just in case anyone wanted one but figured Niall could use one right now.

Niall was soon situated in the tub as Louis washed his hair. They had no shame being naked in front of each other it had happened before so now wasn't much different.

"Hey Ni, did you take your anxiety medication today? I forgot to asked Liam." Louis asked as he rinsed Niall's hair out.

"No I forgot, I'm sorry." Niall said gently.

"It's alright love, it's not your fault." Louis said just as Liam walked in, he was always a light sleeper.

"What's going on lads? It's half past 5 in the morning." Liam said leaning in the door frame.

"Little bit of a rough night." Louis said looking at the brown eyed man and giving a sad smile.

They sat in silence for a moment as Louis conditioned Niall's hair.

"Hey um, Liam?" Louis asked breaking the short silence. "Could you grab Niall's anxiety medication from his nightstand in the rooms he's staying in and another one I got for him from my nightstand? Niall also needs so sweatpants and underwear. Please." Louis asked as Liam took off.

While Liam gathered everything Louis got Niall out and dried him off. Just as he was finishing up Liam came back setting everything on the counter.

"Okay, Liam is gonna help you get dressed alright love. Give me one second." Louis told him as he walked over getting the pills situated and a cup of water.

Meanwhile Liam slipped a pair on Niall's underwear onto the blonde. He then slid on a hoodie. It didn't belong to the blonde though, it was Zayn's. All the boys knew Zayn's scent tended to calm Niall down, they never knew why, however they never asked. The hoodie went down to his knees so Liam didn't bother with pants, the blonde looked comfy already.

"There you go sweetheart." Liam said running a brush through Niall's wet hair.

"Thank you LiLi." Niall said smiling a little, it looked forced but Liam kept quiet.

Louis came over holding out two pills. "Here love. These ones will help you sleep better." Louis said as Niall also accepted a cup of water swallowing them.

Louis then held out two more, "And, there's your anxiety meds bud." Louis said softly as Niall took those ones as well.

"Thank you LouLou." Niall gently said getting tired, an unusual feeling to the boy. Liam checked his clock seeing it was now nearly 6:30.

"I'm gonna make breakfast and clean up. Harry will be up soon. The two of us have a radio interview we need to leave for around 7:30. You two should get some sleep." Liam said.

Liam kissed Niall's head and said goodnight to the two as they went to Louis bed.

They laid together, Louis' arms around Niall and hand running through the mop of blonde hair.

"Goodnight Niall. I love you, get some rest you need and deserve it."

The next time Niall was awoken was slightly after 8. Louis was carrying him somewhere. He then was laid on a bed an took a deep breath. Zayn's room.

"Hey Zee. Paul wants to talk about something and Liam wants me to go check out the arena for our concert in a few days. Since you're still resting Niall's gonna stay with you. He's had a long night. If he wakes up he's already had his meds, just keep him company." Louis told Zayn. Niall heard Louis leave then crawled over and laid practically on top of Zayn, head in the crook of the boys neck.

Zayn put his arms around the boy, "I've got you Ni, get some rest snowflake. I love you." Zayn said kissing his forehead. Niall sighed in content as he drifted off faster then ever. He wouldn't even tell anyone but he for sure always felt safest in the strong, tattooed arms of Zayn.

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