Slip Up / Nouis

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Niall's pov~
I was walking around stage, it was another great night. I was with my favorite people, doing my favorite thing. I had my hand over my 6 month bump, the fans knew about the baby. They were happy and I was beyond grateful for that.

Liam, and Louis, who happened to be my wonderful fiancé were having a water fight. They were only allowed one side of the stage though so I didn't slip and hurt baby Tommo or myself.

I was walking close to their side of the stage when suddenly something came flying at me. I tried to step aside so it wouldn't hit me but there was a puddle and I slipped. Thankfully I landed in my back but I was filled with pain and shock. I yelped a little and tears flew to my eyes.

I heard a few fans scream things such as, "THE BABY!" "NIALL IS HURT," "HELP NIALL," "NO THE NOUIS BABY!"

I cried out in pain as it ripped through my body. Louis came over and set his hand gently on my bump. "Baby what hurts." He said.

"Everything," I cried as he moved me into his lap and the other boys came over. They stayed back giving us space.

"Do you think you baby is hurt, should we go to the hospital?" He asked me as I looked into his eyes seeing them filled with worry.

"I think I'm alright just need some rest. Also do you have my inhaler, my chest if getting tight?" I asked him as he cuddled me closer.

"One moment sweetheart these jean pockets are fake." I giggled a bit but that was a mistake. I started to wheeze and cough.

"Zayn. You have the inhaler right? I need it quick." Louis told Zayn. It made sense he was the most responsible out of us all. Louis and Liam were always goofing around and Harry loses stuff easily.

Louis helped me get air in my lungs before the baby was harmed and carried me bridal style to the bus which was parked right out side the door and blocked from fans.

He laid me on our bed. The only one built for two on the bus. It was also much softer, the boys made that improvement when the baby was put into the picture. Louis laid me down, "I'll be right back love." I nodded and he ran to the kitchen.

He returned with a cold cloth which he lied on my throbbing head. Then gave me a heating pad for my sore back. He started to rub gentle circles on my stomach making the baby kick his hands. We both giggled.

"You sure you're okay love?" Louis asked.

"I'm okay. I promise Lou." I smiled. He returned the smile. I then grimaced as the baby decided to kick my ribs. "What's wrong Nialler?!" I grunted a bit as he got concerned. I then chuckled and he stared at me like I was crazy.

"You had the little one so excited and he was kicking around and got me square in the ribs." I told him.

"I'm sorry love." He chuckled kissing my lips.

"I love you." I said pushing him into the bed so I could cuddle him.

"I love you too my Irish princess, and my little bean." We both shared laugh before I passed out cuddled up to him as he softly rubbed my baby belly.

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